Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

2024 DAYLILIES in our Yard

Good Morning Friends,  Can you believe it is JUNE already???  The older I get,  the more time seems to fly!!!!!! Last month,  I posted our IRISES ---so this month I'm featuring some of our Day Lilies blooming in our yard...  Hope you enjoy them.  The yellow ones always bring a smile to my face!!!!

Early Bird Cardinal

Butterscotch Ruffles

Tiger Time

Charles Johnston

Dad Adams Day Lily  (George's Dad gave this one to us many years ago.  It is very special to both of us!)

Black-Eyed Stella

Lullaby Baby

Yellow Bouquet

I'm sure there will be more to come!!!!  The Lilies are also beginning to bloom.   Don't you just LOVE Spring and Summer!!!   Seeing these blooms is good for the soul!!!!!

Have an awesome JUNE.




Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Dear Blog Friends,   Our IRISES in the yard this year have been truly fantastic.  We have had 51 different varieties --and all of them had many stalks/blooms...  Truly Awesome.    Here are some more of my favorite Irises for 2024.... 

World Premier  4/23/24

Autumn Circus 4/23/24

Picasso Moon4/24/24

Garden Grace 4/24/24/

Laura Jean 4/24/24

Second Fiddle 4/27/24

Goodnight Kiss 4/28/24

Broadway 4/29/24 (a favorite new Iris this year)

Another favorite new Iris this year:  Daughter of Stars (4/29/24)

Orange Harvest 5/2/24  (an every year favorite.) 

Another every year favorite:  Bountiful Harvest 5/4/24

Tennessee VOL   5/6/24.  (favorite since I love the TN VOLS)

WELL--enough Irises for today!!!!!  The Irises are leaving us now--but hopefully some of the re-bloomers will bloom again in Fall. 

Hope you are safe and well.  We've had our share of storms here --but so far, nothing serious...  It has been many years since we've had THIS much rain!   BUT --after seeing what happened in Houston this week,  I do NOT need to complain about 'just' rain here!!!


Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 Dear Blog Friends,   It's been too long!!!!  Can't believe that the last time I wrote a Blog Post was on Feb. 1st...   SORRY!!! George and I are still plugging along!!!!  Since I last wrote,  here are some of the things we have done:  Went to Mt. Nebo,  Arkansas in February;   Went to Florida to spend several days with George's Family in March;  Spent some time at Biltmore (to see the Tulips) in April;   In April, we spent a weekend  in Townsend, TN (Cades Cove) -- with my family to spread more of my son Bert's ashes on the day that he died one year ago (April 21).  

On the 29th of April,  we will spend a day at Fall Creek Falls,  and in June--we hope to spend our 23rd Wedding Anniversary at the Pisgah Inn, North Carolina...

SO--as you can tell,  even though we don't travel as much as we used to,  we are still putting one front in front of the other!!! We keep on pushing on, and won't allow my neuropathy problem keeping me from walking much these days,  or George's horrible back problem limiting his walking and working in the yard.  We definitely won't give up!!! George turned 82 in March and I will turn 82 in August.

Today's post will feature some of the beautiful Irises blooming in our yard this month.  Hope you enjoy them.  They always make me smile!!!!

Double Your Fun Iris

Blatant Iris

Concertina Iris

Foxy Lady Iris

Color Watch Iris

Lemon Duet Iris

Slapstick Iris

Summertime Beauty Iris

Can you pick a favorite out of this group?  Mine is SLAPSTICK Iris!

Hope all of you are well and staying healthy and happy!!!...  Miss you!

Love to all,


Thursday, February 1, 2024

 Dear Friends,  Welcome to February!!!    January was a very very cold, snowy, rainy, foggy month this year here in Tennessee.   I love snow --but told George that we have had enough... Now I'm ready for Spring!!!!! (I WISH!!! ha ha)

Here are a few pictures of our 8 1/2 inch snow that stayed around and kept us inside for over a week. All of the pictures are  in and around our yard.  All were on January 15 --with the last two being taken on Jan 16 and 17.

The sun finally came out on Jan. 17 ---but it was bitter cold!!! 

Friends that live north of us are used to a lot of SNOW.  Here in Tennessee,  we aren't... As pretty as it was (makes the earth seem so clean and peaceful) ---we were truly stuck at home for over a week.  Our community tries to scrape the snow off of some of the roads --but layers of ice formed and kept us from going up and down our big hill.   

Hope all of you are doing well.   I am sorry that I don't blog much anymore (and have lost many good friends because of it).  But at age 81,  my life has slowed down.   The only social media program I participate in now is Facebook which I love.  Many of my Blog Friends are on Facebook so I can keep up with them that way!!!!! 

Again I say,  make February the Month of LOVE----and let's keep it going very month!

Love to all,



Monday, January 1, 2024


Dear Friends,   As I write this,  I look back at 2023...   To say it was a great year for me is not something I can truly say ---but there's good news!!!   George and I are still here and glad to be alive... AND--we are feeling pretty good now!!!!  God keeps sending his blessings to both of us.

Our hope is for an amazingly wonderful 2024 ---and we wish that for all of you!!  I don't Blog as much as I used to --but I think of you often and want you to know that you mean a lot to us,  and we miss you.  

God Bless you  and HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2024.

Betsy and George