Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 5, 2017

Baby Blue Birds PLUS More!

Three Adorable baby Blue Birds sitting on top of the Arbor at my Bird Kitchen waiting to be fed!!!
I have had so much fun lately watching the 3 new baby EASTERN BLUE BIRDS come to the feeders with Mom and Dad --while begging for food and learning how to eat by themselves....Today I'll share some of zillions of pictures I took off and on lately trying to get the 'perfect' shots...  Bird are adorable to watch but don't always cooperate when one is trying to capture the perfect pictures....

Our Blue Birds are with us year-round ---and during the Spring - late Summer,  they nest in a nestbox we provide...  They usually have about 3 different groups of little ones each year...  They are such neat little birds and so adorable... It is such a joy for me to get to enjoy them here.  Hope you enjoy the pictures I chose to share today....  (All of today's pictures were taken between 5/26/17 and 6/2/17.)

"Here come Daddy!!!!  Feed me PLEASE."

Mom and Dad Blue are very protective of their little ones.

One of the Baby Blues finally learned to fly down to the plate feeder --waiting on Dad (who is at the mealworm feeder) to come and feed  him/her.

"My mouth is WIDE open, Daddy... Please feed me!"

"Oh My...   That mealworm looks so delicious!"    (NOTE:  When the babies beg for food with their mouths opened wide,  they also squeal   and their little wings just flap like crazy.. Wish you could see them!)

"Oh YUM... Here comes that big bite..  Oh So GOOD!"

Here are a few more of my wonderful Backyard Birds I managed to capture recently while watching the Bluebirds....  I am so fortunate to have so many varieties of birds come to the Bird Kitchen!!!

MR. NORTHERN CARDINAL  at the plate feeder   (They usually bring their babies to the feeders also--if I can ever catch them in action.)

To add some more colors to the Bird Kitchen,  we love our big group of GOLDFINCHES.

Uh Oh.... The Bluebirds might get mad if they see MR.  CAROLINA WREN  eating 'their' mealworms.   (These little wrens,  to be so tiny,  have a powerful voice --and love to sing!)

I am a very good Bird-Loving-Mama to our BLUE JAYS --since I put out peanuts in the shell for them every morning....  This one just landed on the plate feeder to get one!!!!

I almost missed getting the picture --but Mr. BLUEJAY got his peanut!!!!!!

We have LOTS of WOODPECKERS in our area... This is one of my favorites,  The YELLOW-SHAFTED NORTHERN FLICKER.... My Woodies  LOVE the SUET....

My favorite picture of the adorable little Baby Bluebirds;   (Can you imagine how these little birds feel when learning about being in this big ole' world for the first time????)
Hope you enjoyed my Birdie Pictures today...  I certainly do enjoy watching these little cuties as they flit around coming back and forth to the feeders...  These days,  with all of the meanness in our world and country,  it is nice to have a distraction such as this...

Hope you have a fantastic JUNE....  George and I certainly intend to do just that!!!!
