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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yellowstone ---Day 1

We finally got to beautiful Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming on Day 7 of our West Trip this past September (Sept. 12-27, 2012).  We spent five busy days here --and could have stayed many more since this park is HUGE.

We divided our days up into different areas of the park.  On this first day,  we visited the northwest areas (including the Norris Geyser Basin,  Mammoth Hot Springs,  Tower Falls, and Gardiner).    I'll share this first day's experience in two blog posts since we have SO many photos....

The good news for us waterfall lovers is that we saw FIVE new waterfalls on this first day...  The waterfalls at Yellowstone are fabulous.   BUT--we saw lots of wildlife,  geysers and basins in addition to the waterfalls.  What a fabulous place!!!! Hope you enjoy our pictures.  Be sure to enlarge them for better views.

Above is one of many beautiful pictures showing all of the different colors.. This area is called ARTIST PAINTPOTS...  One can see just why artists would love being here.  To learn more about this area, click HERE.

We really enjoyed the NORRIS GEYSER BASIN...  Here is a picture showing some of the area --including our FIRST geyser,  LEDGE Geyser.  Doesn't this area just look like another world?   You need to see it in person to grasp the feelings one gets from visiting here.

Here is the PORCELAIN TERRACE SPRINGS area at Norris Geyser Basin.

This picture shows more of the colors formed in the areas of the geyser basin. If you want to read more information about this area,  click HERE.

This collage shows some of MANY photos we took of ELK the entire time we were there. We saw elk everywhere throughout the park --but loved seeing the ones right in the middle of town at Mammoth Hot Springs... It was Sept ---so that male was quite interested in the ladies (as you can see from the 'sniffy sniffy' photo in the middle on the top).... ha ha.....  If you want to hear a Bull Elk bugle/holler (during rutting/mating season) ---click HERE.   Here's another video taken a couple of weeks after we were there.  This one shows a couple of Bull Elks fighting.  Click HERE for that one.

George took this picture of a Happy Girl ---after seeing this beautiful waterfall.  This is GIBBON FALLS.

Here is a collage I made showing Gibbon Falls --and also showing Rustic Falls...  This is the first two (of 5) that we saw that first day at Yellowstone.

Look at this Buffalo..... Besides elk,  we also saw lots of BUFFALOES  in the park...  I'll share a collage in another blog post.

Here is a collage showing more from Mammoth Hot Springs.  According to a friend who lives near there,  this area was not as pretty as it usually is due to the drought in the area... BUT--it was pretty to us.  To read more about this area, click HERE.

I'll close with a picture of George and me taken  at the Norris Geyser Basin.

There will be many more pictures to come.   This was only 'part' of the first day we were there... It's hard to pick a favorite area since they are all unique and fabulous.

GOOD NEWS for ME:   I went to the doctor yesterday for my annual physical.  Got the best report I have gotten in years... All of my weight loss, healthy eating, and exercise is paying off..... Don't have to go back for a YEAR.   YEAH RAH!!!

Have a great day.
