Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 28, 2010


My knee problem began the first of May... SO--it's been a long and hard couple of months for me... With the pain and medication problems came some real "DOWN" time for me with lots of tears and Pity Parties..

My husband has been wonderful, and very patient with my moodiness. But--he wants his positive, happy gal back... And ---so do I... Out of my tears recently came the statement, "I just want my old self back. I want to feel better."

SO---George came up with an idea to bring that smile back to my face. He was going to take me to my favorite place in the world, our little cabin at Mt. Nebo, Arkansas. IF that won't make me smile, nothing will!!!!!

Here are some pictures taken this past February on our trip to Paradise. Above is the precious little cabin where we stay. Below are more.

This is the back patio/porch area of the cabin. Since we always go to Nebo in the late Fall or Winter, we have never gotten to sit outside much --or have a picnic at the picnic table. Wouldn't it be fun to be there during the Summer?

AND--while we sit on the porch or at the picnic table, this is our view.... Wow--life is good at Mt. Nebo!!!!

OR---we could get up early and enjoy this beautiful sunrise....Oh My Heart!!!

OR---we could sit and enjoy seeing these Cutie Pies---without having to worry about them eating our Roses!!!!!

OR----we could sit outside until after dark, watching the sun go down in the west....

NOW---there's good news and there's bad news to this story. The good news is that I think I have found Betsy --and she's not hiding in the depths of depression anymore.

Thanks to my good friend, MILDRED, I found something to soothe my tummy... After trying several things, I found that Maalox did the trick... Thank you, Mildred!!!! AND--my knee pain has gotten much better and I am OFF of both of those horrible prescription drugs. I finally think I am on the mend.... It has been a long two months.

The bad news is that, since I am doing so well, I guess that trip is OFF. We are planning a big August trip---so I'll just have to build up my strength for that trip. The other part of that problem is that Mt. Nebo is usually FULL in the Summer and we don't have reservations. Oh Well---it's fun to yearn for paradise.....

What do you think????? Should I get sick again????? Nah---probably not!!!! That was not a fun couple of months.
