Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, April 6, 2012


There are many birds who visit our feeders on the back deck... Recently,  they are all busy singing their songs and finding a mate... It's a great time of year to watch the birds... And since our weather recently has been so nice,  we are able to sleep with the windows opened... The birds love to sing loudly the first thing in the morning ---so it's totally awesome waking up to the beautiful sound of birds singing!!!!!

Today,  I'll show you some pictures (taken at various times over the past 3 years or so) of eight of my favorite Backyard Birds... Above is an all-time favorite bird of mine,  the EASTERN BLUEBIRD...   Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird are busy nesting in the Bluebird House... I hope we have some baby Blues soon.  Be sure to click on the pictures for larger views.

Here is another favorite bird,  our NORTHERN CARDINAL.  The Cardinals are the first ones at the feeders in the morning and the last ones there before dark.   Such beautiful birds --and it's fun to watch the Mister feed the Misses during the mating season!!!!!   I love seeing the colorful birds this time of year since they are beautiful showing off their colors.

We have more GOLDFINCHES this year than any other bird I think... I don't know how many we have --but there are a BUNCH of them!!!  It's fun to watch the males change to this gorgeous yellow color in the spring.

These little CAROLINA CHICKADEES are year-round visitors along with their buddies,  the Tufted Titmice and the Nuthatches....  When you see one of these guys,  you usually see them all.  I love this picture since that Chickadee was telling me to quit taking pictures so that he could come to the feeder!!!!!  Is this a bird with 'attitude'?????? ha

This beauty,  the ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK is a short-term visitor here every year.  They stop here in April or May as they migrate north ---and then they stop again in September on their way back south for the winter.

We have at least five resident woodpeckers which visit the feeders off and on during the year.  Woodpeckers love suet --- so I try to accommodate them!!!!   Above is one of the prettiest woodpeckers,  our NORTHERN FLICKER...  Isn't he gorgeous?

This woodpecker,  the RED-HEADED WOODPECKER,  unfortunately does not come around as much as the others... He comes in the Spring ---and brings the little ones to the feeders during the Spring/Summer... SUCH a beautiful bird!!!!

And finally,  you know I cannot do a bird blog post without featuring this bird...  This is another favorite,  the PILEATED WOODPECKER.    This huge woodpecker lets EVERYONE know when he is nearby... He has a very loud call!!!!   Oh --how I love this bird!!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Backyard Birds today!!!!!  I have SO much fun --feeding them and watching them...  Soon,  I'll do another bird post showing you some of the 'funny' bird pictures I have taken...

We have been out-of-town for the past 3 days... SO---again,  I'm behind on blogging...  I love traveling and we have a wonderful time ---but it's hard to catch back up when we get home!!!!  I'll catch up with you SOON.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday.