Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2010 Best of....: SONG BIRDS

I've already featured my favorite Woodpecker photos of 2010 and my favorite Bluebird photos of 2010..  SO today I will feature my 'other' favorite backyard bird pictures that I took in 2010..  Above is a picture of a TUFTED TITMOUSE,  taken on 1/8/10.  Below are more.

Another of my favorite birds is the CAROLINA WREN.  I love this picture of a very cold little guy,  perched on top of a rhododendron blossom, taken on 2/16/10.

You can see one of my favorite male AMERICAN CARDINAL in my header.  That picture was taken on 2/16/10.   Here is another favorite Cardinal picture taken on 11/14/10.  This picture obviously is a beautiful female Cardinal... Isn't she gorgeous?

This beauty is one who only visits us twice a year --while migrating.  They visit in Spring and again in Fall.   He is a gorgeous ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK.  What a beautiful bird!  This picture was taken on 4/29/10.

One of my favorite little birds who is with us all year is the CAROLINA CHICKADEE.  They are very friendly little birds ---and ones that will come close,  even when I am nearby.   This picture was taken on 4/7/10.

This little CHIPPING SPARROW is a beautiful little bird.  I took this picture on 4/8/10.

And finally, I chose this recent picture of a DARK-EYED JUNCO taken on 12/13/10.  The little Juncos always come around after it snows.   I loved this picture since he almost seemed to be burying himself  in the snow.

Well--I could have chosen many, many more pictures of my little songbirds --but I'll stop with these.  I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of my 2010 favorite songbird pictures.
