Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, July 9, 2010

2010 Roses --Part V

Most of you know (unless you are fairly new) that George and I grow ROSES (Hybrid-Tea and Grandiflora). I should say that George grows Roses --since he is the one who loves them and cares for them--about 55 different varieties... I just ENJOY them... He spoils me by bringing a new Rose bud or bloom into the house most every single day just for me to enjoy.

I have published four blog posts so far showing pictures of our Roses. You can check out the other four posts by looking at the sidebar, scrolling down to labels, and then clicking on ROSES 2010.

Today, I'm showing you 6 more of these beauties. Above is one called APRIL IN PARIS. Below are more.


ALEC'S RED (George knows how much I love RED roses, so he ordered this one for me this year.)



PEPPERMINT SPLASH (one of my favorite new Roses this year)

I have a REQUEST that will help all of us who comment on MANY blogs each day. This has to do with the Comment Form you are using. There are 3 different forms you can choose from (Full Page, Pop-up-window, and Embedded). To find out which form you are using, go to your Dashboard and click on Settings. Then click on Comments. About halfway down the page, you will see the Comment Form.

I personally use and like the Pop-up-window form, but I also like the Full Page form. The one I do NOT like is the Embedded form. It takes much longer to post a comment on this form. IF you don't have a particular preference, my request is that you choose either the Pop-up-window one or the Full Page one. Thanks so much!!!! I try to visit MANY blogs each day--and this change would help tremendously. (I made this request about 5-6 months ago, but there are many new people coming to my blog now, and many using the Embedded form --which is the Blogger default one for some strange reason.)

Have a great weekend, and I'll blog again on Monday morning.