Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, July 9, 2010

2010 Roses --Part V

Most of you know (unless you are fairly new) that George and I grow ROSES (Hybrid-Tea and Grandiflora). I should say that George grows Roses --since he is the one who loves them and cares for them--about 55 different varieties... I just ENJOY them... He spoils me by bringing a new Rose bud or bloom into the house most every single day just for me to enjoy.

I have published four blog posts so far showing pictures of our Roses. You can check out the other four posts by looking at the sidebar, scrolling down to labels, and then clicking on ROSES 2010.

Today, I'm showing you 6 more of these beauties. Above is one called APRIL IN PARIS. Below are more.


ALEC'S RED (George knows how much I love RED roses, so he ordered this one for me this year.)



PEPPERMINT SPLASH (one of my favorite new Roses this year)

I have a REQUEST that will help all of us who comment on MANY blogs each day. This has to do with the Comment Form you are using. There are 3 different forms you can choose from (Full Page, Pop-up-window, and Embedded). To find out which form you are using, go to your Dashboard and click on Settings. Then click on Comments. About halfway down the page, you will see the Comment Form.

I personally use and like the Pop-up-window form, but I also like the Full Page form. The one I do NOT like is the Embedded form. It takes much longer to post a comment on this form. IF you don't have a particular preference, my request is that you choose either the Pop-up-window one or the Full Page one. Thanks so much!!!! I try to visit MANY blogs each day--and this change would help tremendously. (I made this request about 5-6 months ago, but there are many new people coming to my blog now, and many using the Embedded form --which is the Blogger default one for some strange reason.)

Have a great weekend, and I'll blog again on Monday morning.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, All of the roses are spectacular. I really like the peppermint splash. Hope you are feeling much better and that you and George have a nice weekend.

Valerie said...

Love the peppermint splash as well! So pretty. George must be a pretty dedicated gardener to have sooooo many roses. I think I told you before mine always die of Black Spot up here!

With regards to comment forms - I personally like the pop up window - because then you can look back and read what you are commenting again!

Hope you are well. Can't believe it is the weekend again - already. Another Baseball tournament - this one is our own - that we are putting on - so I have to help run the concession stand! FUn - fun - fun!

Jane said...

Oh, I love your roses! I only wish that I could smell them through the computer!

Have a great weekend and stay cool. Off to check my comments status!


amelia said...

My hubby built a small rose garden here this year. I'm not a big fan but he loves them and they seem to like this hot weather too!!

I have no idea which type of comment form I have!! Maybe you know what I have!!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

All of your roses are so spectacular Betsy and George, I like the new peppermint splash one since it is refreshingly cool looking, and anything which resembles "cool" is welcome :)
It takes a tremendous amount of work and dedication to grow roses in the HOT south, but you have mastered the art.
Thank you for sharing your beauty with us !

Diane AZ said...

How wonderful that George takes care of all the roses and brings one into the house for you each day. Gorgeous pictures, Peppermint Splash is delightful!

Arkansas Patti said...

Midas Touch is appealing today.
When I first started blogging, people with Firefox were unable to access my comments section. I had to switch to "full page" so they could also leave comments. If people don't use "full page", they may be missing out on some really neat people.

Julie said...

Thanks for requesting the quickest comment form! I moderate mine, but do not use letter verification as this is just more of a time waster! It takes so long for all the blogs to load, I sometimes wonder why I am even doing blogging!!! This will help!
Beautiful roses, Betsy!!!!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Beautiful roses!!! My husband loves and grows lots of "Old Roses." The husbands would love to chat, wouldn't they? :-)

THANK YOU for a blogging tip! On Comments!

I love blogging tips! I'm a great one for trying to make the blog reading/commenting-in experience, as quick and easy as possible. [Do you know of the site, where you can check your blog load time, after you Log Out of your own blog, that is? Stopwatch. I love it!]

Soooo, I'm off to check my own Comment Form!!! Thank you so much for explaining them to me! I have wondered, but never knew the difference.

Blog Info Rocks!!!

Tabor said...

You have some very lovely roses. Mine are sort of in hiatus right now ready to bloom again in a week.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Wheeeeeeee! I use Pop Up already! Good for me! :-)

And I feel a .... "Please Help Us Make Lots of Comments In Lots of Your Blogs" post coming up! I'd do this sort of post more often, if I had my druthers. And you did it, in such a sweet way... Perhaps if I try to make my request, as sweet as yours, I could do it more? :-)

I always seem to have something to say in Comments. And I'd like to Comment in many, many blogs. But... sigh... Things like Word Verification, and too-long-loading blogs, and too-long-doing-Comments-blogs really cut into the blogging fun. [By this last, I mean those blogs, where you are tying to type a Comment, and the type moves along, so slowwwwwwwwwwwww.] -sigh-

Again thank you. And of course, if I do a Blog Tips entry, I'll link to here! 'Twas your info and idea!

Gentle hugs...

Connie said...

They are all so beautiful, Betsy! How wonderful to have so many varieties. That peppermint splash is really unique. Enjoy the weekend! :)

Jo said...

Your roses are SPECTACULAR, George. Thanks Betsy for sharing these beautiful blooms with us. I will read blogs again on Sunday when I am settled in South Africa. For now, I say goodbye my dearest friend. Blessings and hugs Jo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

55 different varieties is amazing in itself. good thing you have digital cameras and not film. ha ha. you have more roses than most nurseries. and all of them are beautiful. and you know all their names. that is great also.

Susan Tidwell said...

Love your roses! And I checked on the comment form - never thought of it before (since I do not comment on my own blog) - I had the full page checked, but changed it to the pop up.

Have a great weekend!

Susie said...

Betsy you guys must have the prettiest yard in the neighborhood with all of these beauties.

Hope your knee is still doing great! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the roses are all lovely. My favorite is "Sheer Magic", and not because I consider it the prettiest of your roses. Soon after Bob and I started chatting with each other on the Internet, we started talking about feeling the magic. When we met for the first time, Bob sent me a bouquet of flowers. The flowers arrived before I set eyes on him. The card accompanying the flowers read "Feel the Magic?" To this day I still feel the magic! This is why I like your "Sheer Magic" rose. It just brought back that memory to me!

I have my comment form set to full page. I will keep it that way because it is working well for me. I will, though, turn off letter verification. I approve each of my comments before they are posted, so the letter verification is not really needed. So that will save everyone who comments on my blog one step!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Oh how I loved the Rio Samba the best. That has some great colors.

Rose said...

Beautiful roses, Betsy.

I am so with you on the comment part, though the pop up form is by far my favorite....I can go back and look at what I was going to comment on if I get called away from what I am doing.

Or for when I don't get to visit for a few days, it make it so much easier for me to comment on all the ones I want to comment on.

Sunny said...

Wish I could smell all your lovely roses. Does the Peppermint Splash smell like peppermint? haha!
Enjoy your weekend .
☼ Sunny

Janice K said...

Looking at your beautiful roses is like looking at your children and saying, "Which one do I love the most," and you know you could never answer that, because you love them all so much for many different reasons.

I'm glad to be able to see them all, because they are definitely more lovely than the ones at our city's Rose Gardens. You just need to get Goerge to work on getting a "scratch and sniff" site added to your blog.

God bless!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Such gorgeous roses Betsy...I love that George is so passionate about them (and YOU) and brings them to you daily...we can not ask for much better than that can we?

even more annoying than the embedded comments..are the word verification ones!!!!

hope you are feeling well. Have a great weekend. Suz

Dar said...

Your roses are delicious looking...and oh the scents you must enjoy as well. George is a true romantic. Lucky you.
Thanks for the heads up on the commenting issue...I think mine is full page, and will be changing it to the pop-up. I like this one too.
I heard from Andy and saw how exhausted he was with so little sleep. He is much better today.
Thanks for being another understanding Mom...loveya
Have a Great Weekend My Friend

Gill - That British Woman said...

I cannot pick a favourite out of all those photos, as all those roses are just wonderful and I am not a huge rose fan......

Have a super weekend,

Gill in Canada

LV said...

Another favorite rose post. I can honestly say, I have never seen such beauty as these. That peppermint one is amazing. Never saw one.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Thank you for mentioning the comment forms. I would have liked to but didn't quite know how to bring up the subject without making it seem I was trying to control someone's account. It takes much longer to to use one type.

Love the roses! I used to grow several varieties mostly heirlooms and shrubs.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

With each new picture I think this is the best.Your roes are so pretty.I am glad I'm not in a position to judge them,I could never choose just one.Thanks for sharing such beauty with me.I love it.

Janie said...

Sheer magic and Rio Samba are my favs. They're all beautiful, though. I have a few roses, but not such marvelous variety.
Will check out my comment page to see what I've got.

Small City Scenes said...

A rose is a rose is a rose etc. Sheer beauty!!!

I like the pop up version. I guess I will check and see what i have. MB

Catherine said...

Beautiful roses today Betsy!

Hope you have a Happy weekend!
xo Catherine

penny said...

They are all gorgeous roses, Betsy. I wish I could smell their lovely fragrance.
Have a delightful weekend.

Diane said...

It's always great to see your roses, Betsy. They're so beautiful. George does good!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The peppermint rose is well named and my favorite one. I remember your earlier request, and I changed my form. I, myself, prefer the form that is on the same page as the blog and not a pop up box. That is because while I'm commenting, I can keep refering to the pictures without having to go in and out of a separate format. It's all there, and so easy. Yes, good idea to make this request again. It seems we both have gotten quite a few new followers this month kind of all at once.

EcoRover said...

Lovely roses--I enjoy the fragrance of the traditional tea rose varieties.

And thanks for the formatting tip.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for the Peppermint Splash - truly lovely!
It rained a little here but it did not last long. Maybe more tonight, we'll see. Have a fantastic weekend!

Cicero Sings said...

Lovely roses Betsy. I've no luck with roses at all so enjoy the wild ones that grow prolifically around here! ... and of course yours when you post up pictures of them.

Sey said...

Betsy your roses are very lovely. I love the sheer magic. Can you give me one...ha-ha-ha!

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Kay said...

Hi Betsy. Yes I guess I am talking about Suet Feeders. Mostly we just have sparrows and finches around here. Also a few blue jays. Right now I am using the loose seed with the black sunflower seeds. I've looked around at the stores near us to try to find a feeder with a larger bottom, but have not yet been able to find one. Thanks for your input.

What Karen Sees said...

Beautiful roses. Reminds me of my mother's rose garden.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Ooooh, I love that Peppermint Splash rose!

I honestly don't know which format my comments are in. I'll have to check on that.

dot said...

Wow, those roses are unbelievable! I know someone who had a problem with the deer eating her's. Do you have that problem or have you ever and found a solution?
Thanks for your visit. I'm not doing much blogging now but when I do I try to look at more than one post. For some reason your blog seems different and I couldn't find a way to go back to older posts.

dot said...

Betsy, just as soon as I posted I looked and there was the "older posts" spot. lol. I'm definately due for new glasses.

Lola said...

Beautiful Roses. I can't make a decision which is my favorite.
I have a couple that were gifts from brother. This humidity is very bad on them.

Glenda said...

More exquisite beauty!! Your yard should be featured in a magazine! It seems you always have something pretty blooming!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy

I love how you keep track of all your roses' names! It is so romantic that George selects one for you almost every day. :-)

I agree that the embedded comment form is cumbersome. It take three tries before it "takes" and soemtimes forget that and my comment does not get posted.

I like full page comments because I can use my spell check with my IE toolbar --it wont work on a pop up form, but that's ok I just have to be more careful when I type.

Have a good weekend!Hope your knee is getting stronger every day!
♥ Pat

The Quintessential Magpie said...

OH, those are some gorgeous roses! Love that pink one that is next to the last. Can't remember it's name, but is LOVELY.

Happy Pink Saturday...


Sheila :-)

Not sure what an embedded form is. I've been blogging for a while now, and I've got the one I started with. Is it embedded?

mudderbear said...

Such beautiful photos. Such beautiful roses. You are indeed blessed with a wonderful husband.

I'll check my message form. I believe it's the pop-up window. I certainly hope to hear from you from time to time. You inspire my days.

SquirrelQueen said...

As I scrolled through your different roses I kept thinking this one is my favorite, no wait it's this one or maybe this one. They are all beautiful Betsy.

diane b said...

The roses just get better and better. You are lucky to have a romantic George. I shouldn't complain BB is in the kitchen cooking up a storm.


I love the roses.
I want to ask You question.There is owner of them ,I mean that somebody did inoculation and got so like beautiful roses.I have a lot of photos of roses ,but I do not know I can show them or not.What do think they allow to us to show these flowers?

Chris said...

Lovely roses Betsy. My favourite is Midas Touch. Take care. I hope your knee is improving.

Beth said...

Your roses are so beautiful, Betsy. And so is the love that you and George share---I find it so touching that he brings you a new rose every day. Kudos to y'all for growing such healthy specimens. The only roses that I've had any luck with are the Knock-Out kind. I like the kind of flower that requires only watering. :-)

Have a good weekend. And thank you so much for your sweet comment on my post. It meant a lot to me.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Thanks for the tip about embedded comments. I find that frustrating, too. And after checking mine, I realized that's how my blog was set up. I fixed it! :)

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

You know you're using pop-up because it displays the comment box right over the blog that you wish to comment on. it is very handy that way. I don't like the embedded version. I love this rose post. I love all of your roses!!Thanks for sharing them.

Elettra said...

How wonderful you have great roses, many compliments

Love Of Quilts said...

Love all your roses... my favorite is red two...thank you for telling me about my gladiolas I changed it in my post. Trish

Anonymous said...

I put word verification back on. Within one day of taking it off, I started to receive spam comments :-(

Mary said...

Gorgeous roses! I always want to gather a vase full...they are soooo pretty! I like the pop-up form because you can look back at the photos to remember what all you wanted to comment about. I agree about the embedded one.

nanny said...

beautiful, beautiful roses....
do you spray and prune every day?
They look very well taken care of...great job!

Carletta said...

Betsy you are so lucky to live with your own personal florist! :)
George has the greenest thumb I know. All of the flowers you and he grow are just gorgeous. That peppermint splash is so unique. I love it.
And yes, I love that pop-up form.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Sciarada said...

Hi Betsy, I love the roses and these your are enchanting, really beautiful

Anonymous said...

Beautiful roses, Betsy! The yellow one is my favorite. Stunning!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank you Betsy, for giving your views in comments, on my Blogging Questions post!

You touched on an important point, to me. Commenting in the blogs of those who comment in your blog!!!

You have a zilllllllllllion commenters and I certainly don't have that many. But it still concerns me, commenting back, as it were. You have found a wonderful way! Take some days 'off,' to just go and comment in others blogs.

Thank you so much, for this imput!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Betsy, glorious roses! I hope you continue to heal every day.

Thanks for dropping by and wishing me a happy birthday the other day. I appreciated it very much.
An English Girl Rambles

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Thanks for the tip about the comment form. I'm set at the default, but I'm off to take care of that when I finish here!

My first visit to your blog and I see these beautiful rose pics! I do a Friday's Flowers on my blog, but I seldom find beautiful roses like these to photograph!

Off to check my comment settings! Thanks again!

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

The rose pictures are all beautiful. I was unaware that there are so many different varieties. The Rio Sambia, of the pictures you posted, is to die for!

Not sure what you mean by embedded form. Or the others, for that matter. I am not very sophisticated at this stuff.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my post of today.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the Midas Touch, really pretty. are you almost able to hike again? any trips to waterfalls in the near future?


Wonderful flowers!
Thank You for Your answer on my blog.

Neal said...

Very, very beautiful!

I can't let my wife read your blog...George sets standards that I can't live up to. :)

Loran said...

I changed over to pop up after your first request because I enjoy your comments so much. And I enjoy your roses too, just wish I could sniff them.

Shelley said...

The rio samba is my favorite I think! But all beautiful!! (I agree w/ you on the comment forms on blogger - sometimes the format makes it so difficult to post.)
P.S. I sent you an email to get your address. :-)


~mel said...

Gorgeous!! or is that Georgeous ~ as in George. It's a LOT of work keeping up flowers like you do and I applaud you and thank you for sharing your wonderful flowers with us.

From the Kitchen said...

More beautiful roses--thank you (and George). I just found out I'm a "full pager". I'll have to investigate to see what that means--maybe I'll leave myself a comment!!


Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...


Peggy said...

Love love love the roses! Can almost smell them from here. George truly has a green thumb. Have a blessed day

Snowbird said...

I absolutely love roses. I really do "take time to stop and smell the roses". You are so lucky to have a hubby who loves them too. Thanks so much for posting the pictures. Absolutely stunning. I could almost smell them from here. :)

Cheryl said...

I'm backtracking here...somehow missed this post. The roses are splendid. I couldn't pick one or two or even three to be a fav, I choose them all. I love the fact that George ordered a red rose for you!

Leedra said...

Your roses are so beautiful.

Hope you succeed in getting people to change from embedded (I haven't seemed to) it is so very quick to change. All new bloggers are using embedded. I can't comment from the computer I am at right now if they use embedded.

I was at Rockwood this weekend, beginning very late Saturday night, after babysitting with Mason and Audrey. Jimmy and I had all day Sunday together, and then lunch today. Then off to work for my work week, and another busy week.