Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another Special Son

After posting a blog about son Jeff last week,  I thought I'd better introduce my other two sons to you.  This week is my eldest,  Bert.  Bert was born on July 18, 1963.  We lived in Athens, TN where my husband and I were going to Tennessee Wesleyan College.  My mother used to tell her friends that I had my first baby before age 21, and graduated from college before age 22.  I'm surprised that Bert made it through that first year.  I depended totally on Dr. Spock's Baby Book in those days.  Thank Goodness he was a good baby!!!! ha.. Above is one of Bert's baby pictures.  He hated what I did to his hair --but at the time,  I loved it...  Poor little guy!!!! ha

I love this picture of Bert with his son,  Chris (CJ).  This grandson lives with his mother in Florida --and I haven't seen him in several years.  Chris was born on May 29, 1996--and was the sweetest little boy in the world.  I used to keep him alot when he was a little guy.. I miss him very much!!! This picture was taken in 2003.

In 2004,  Bert had an incredible job for a year.  He loves the outdoors (like his Mom) --so he got a job as Restaurant/Food Manager on a small cruise ship in Alaska.   During that time,  he enjoyed getting to know the area --and even did some hiking and camping on his 'off days'...  He loved Alaska ---as most of us do!  The picture above is Bert and another staff person on their boat,  in front of one of the glaciers.

This is a picture of Bert with his sweetie,  Clementine (Clem).

Bert and Clem are restaurant managers, and this is the resort where they work in Galveston, TX.   Hurricane Ike did alot of damage to this place two years ago--so Bert and Clem and her kids moved to Las Vegas to live and work for over a year.  They enjoyed Vegas--but are glad to get back to Galveston.

This picture is Bert, Clem and her children:  Matt and Lily.  This picture was taken a couple of summers ago when they visited us.  They were coming to see us during Christmas this year --but the heavy snow kept them away...  I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend some time together.

This is a very happy Mama --with her son, Bert.  This picture was taken about 2008.

Bert is the son who sent me all of the pictures of the Sandhill Cranes --which are wintering near his home in Galveston, TX. Aren't they gorgeous????

Next week,  I will feature my middle son, Mark, and his family.  Hope you are enjoying getting to know more of my three sons.
