Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, April 10, 2017

2017 TULIPS in our YARD

George and I used to plant lots of Tulips (one of my favorite Spring flowers) --but our resident Chipmunks thought we were planting some kind of special nuts for them for their dinner...SO--they kept digging up the bulbs...  We finally decided to quit planting Tulips... HOWEVER,  some have made it through the years  and still manage to bloom!!!!  I think I counted 17 different varieties this year.  We don't have nearly as many blooming as we used to --but I do love the ones we have...

For those of you who have Chipmunks,  the flowers that they WILL NOT dig up or eat are Daffodils, Irises,  DayLilies,  and of course our Roses.  They do love to dig up the Tulips AND our Lilies.   SO---we now plant more Daffodils instead of the Tulips...  When we live in the woods,  we do have to share with the critters here!!!!!   Not always fun--but 'tis life!!!!

Today I will share some pictures of our TULIPS....  Hope you enjoy them and can pick out a few of your favorite colors in this group...  You can click on the photos for enlargements.   Grab a cuppa and sit back and just enjoy the pictures!!!

Same Tulips as above --but now opened!!!

Same Tulip as above,  but looking inside!

Same Tulip as above --but now they are opened

Purissima Tulips ---This group has been with us for several years.

I'll show you this group again since they are MY favorites!!!
WELL---there are more,  but I'll stop since this post is already long!!!!!   Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our little gorgeous beauties....

Have a wonderful week and get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather...  (At least,  we are having some REAL Spring here now... Hooray!)
