Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, February 5, 2010

And Then--It Turned to ICE

I have published several previous posts from our big snow and ice storm (Jan. 29/30). Yesterday, I showed the snow on our shrubs and bushes. Today, I will show you more of our ICE pictures. As I have said, we first had about 5-6 inches of snow --and after that, an inch of ice... Then--even after that, we had another inch of snow... It was a weird storm!!!!

Here are six more ice pictures, all taken on January 30, plus one taken on the 31st. Above is another picture (this one is a close-up) of that Confederate Jasmine bush after the ice storm. Below are more!

I showed you a close-up picture of our big Rhododendron bush in a previous post. This picture shows you the ice clinging on more of that bush. You can also see the icicles hanging from the gutters.

Here's a close-up of some of the icicles hanging from our home---all of the way around the house!!!

Hmmmmmmmmm.... Don't think we will be grillling any steaks!!!! Ya think????

How do you like the ice on the windchimes???????

I love this picture that George took... The little buds on the Dogwood tree are all covered with ice. Isn't this an incredible icy picture?

Finally, here is one last picture taken on January 31--when the sun came out. I was using my 300mm lens --and shooting toward the sky. The trees were glistening due to all of the ice on them.

Hope you enjoyed the ICY pictures today. AND--I hope that none of you have a ice storm this weekend. I know that they said that areas north and east of us and along the east coast could get TONS of ice and/or snow... We are only supposed to get rain and maybe some flurries this weekend. BUT--we may get some snow on Tuesday/Wednesday.. Winter is NOT over...
