"Hello, I am an Eastern Bluebird. That 'woman' wants to take a portrait of me and/or my family... Do you think she should? I need to ask my brother."

"I'd better jump up there --and talk to the family about this possible portrait session."

"WHAT?????? Are you saying we need to do this????? OKAY---I guess we'll try! You get to pose, Bro. You have better do as well as Uncle Fatty in the header!"
Below are FOUR portraits the 'woman' took... You get to choose your favorite of the four.

Number 1 (above)

Number 2 (above)

Number 3 (above)

Number 4 (above)
Now--choose your favorite and put it in your comment!!!!

"Okay, we did it ---and I let my handsome brother pose for the portrait. Now it's time to EAT!"

"Okay Woman---I hope you are happy... Now put that camera away and let us eat in peace!"
Hope you enjoyed my Bluebird pictures today... All of these were taken on January 15, 2010. NOW----vote for your favorite!!!!