I have talked alot recently about the blessings of Christmas... WELL---it's not all about lights and decorations!!!! Nor is it about Santa and gifts. It IS truly about the birth of the baby Jesus. But besides that, it's about "friends and family". Yesterday ---George and I drove to Knoxville to have a late lunch with son Jeff and his girlfriend, Jenny.
We went to the Texas Roadhouse--and enjoyed a delicious meal and lots and lots of talking and catching up. This Mama was THRILLED since I don't get to see this busy son as much as I'd like!!!! The picture above is me with Jenny and Jeff. Below are more pictures.
See this gorgeous Poinsettia???? One of my best childhood friends sent this to us. Isn't it beautiful? Thanks, Nita... That's real friendship!!!

Another of my very best friends, Judy, sent me this picture the day she and hubby Charlie (along with one of her grandsons, Gabriel) went to the Christmas tree farm to 'chop down' their Christmas tree. Judy and I do alot of emailing and texting , but don't see each other as much as we'd like. However, we get to see them tomorrow ---when we will meet them for lunch in Hendersonville. Yeah Rah!!!!
Finally, here is another picture of Jenny and Jeff...
No matter what you do this Christmas, take time to be in contact with those whom you love.