Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Irises, Roses and Family

Cable Car Iris
Our IRISES in the yard have been FABULOUS this spring... AND the good news is that many of them are re-bloomers --so we'll have them blooming again in the Fall.   In this blog post (click HERE),  I showed you several of our Irises... SO today I'll show you some more of our 19 different varieties... Above is always a favorite every year.  Its name is CABLE CAR.   I love the 'rust' color of this one.   We took several photos after a rain--since we enjoy seeing the 'drops' on the flowers.  Be sure and enlarge the photos in order to see them larger.

Electric Shock Iris

Cantina Iris
Wish you could see this one in person.. It has SEVERAL colors --and changes when the sun is on it... Such a beauty!!!!

Floor Show Iris
Here is another multi-colored beauty.   Do you like this one?

English Charm Iris
This is another pretty Iris.... The raindrops were really clinging to this one!

Halloween Halo Iris
If you like Pastels,  you will love this Iris...  The bright orange beards would remind one of Halloween I suppose...

Southern Belle Rose
Here's two more of the gorgeous Roses beginning to bloom in our yard.  The one above is named SOUTHERN BELLE....  George brought one of these into the house ---and you should smell it... WOW!!!!

Summer of Love Rose
Finally,  this beauty is named SUMMER OF LOVE. I love all of the different colors in this rose...

Dave, Bonnie, Betsy and George
We visited my cousin,  Bonnie, and her hubby, Dave,  at a Camping and Hang-Gliding area on the top of the mountain near Dunlap, Tennessee on Monday.  Bonnie and Dave have a new (GORGEOUS)  motor home ---and are enjoying traveling these days.  We had a wonderful visit with them.  Isn't that a great view of the Sequatchie Valley?

BLUEBIRD UPDATE:  I have done tons of research and talked to LOTS of people about my Bluebird Tragedy.  (See Monday's blog for details.)  Click HERE to see a great website if you are interested.   Apparently, my culprit must have been a SNAKE..  Once the Bluebirds nest again,  we will keep the pole greased--which will keep a snake off of the nestbox (I hope)... I also need a new type of baffle (made with stove pipe)... NOW--if Daddy Blue can find a new mate,  maybe they'll try again.  We have cleaned out the nestbox for them... Thanks SO SO much for your thoughts, suggestions and prayers. This has been hard for me!!!

 I need to apologize AGAIN for not getting to your blog posts much this week.  Besides our trip on Monday and doing research on Bluebirds,   I have been working in the yard (power-washing the deck and cleaning the deck furniture).... Fun fun!!!

ONE MORE THING:  Any of you who use Google+ as your profile,  be sure and put your blog URL on there somewhere.  Otherwise,  people cannot find your blog to comment.  Thanks!!!

Hope you are having a 'fan-tabulous day'  enjoying life.....  Get outside and enjoy yourself!!!!
