Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, April 1, 2013

What a HUGE Difference a Year can Make

Dad Adams'  Daffodils 2012
Check out my new Photo Blog on Wednesday... Click HERE .

Welcome to April...  My blog looks like Spring  but it doesn't feel much like Spring here on the mountain yet.  Recently I pulled out last year's March pictures taken in our yard... Oh My Gosh!!!  I was SHOCKED to think that this March is so very very different.  It's April now --and we still don't have much SPRING at all here on the Cumberland Plateau.  A few things have bloomed and are blooming --but not much at all.  Now I wonder if we will have much color at all this year....  The cold weather in March has done a 'number' on so many of our buds/blooms/flowers....   It's CRAZY!!!!

I hope I'm wrong and hope that April will turn out to be like March was last year.  I hope that I'll be showing pictures to you at the end of April that are similar to last year's March photos..... BUT--who knows?????  We'll just have to wait and see.   Someone said that we may just go from winter to summer!  HOPE NOT!!!!

Here are some comparison photos for you today.  You won't believe it either!!!!!  I put the dates when the photos were taken,  and tried to make the photos similar to each other...  Hope you enjoy them.  You can click on them in order to see enlargements.

Dad Adams' Daffodils 2013

Rose Flowerbed and Front Yard 2012

Rose Flowerbed and Front Yard 2013
New Flowerbed 2012

New Flowerbed 2013  (The Hyacinths hated the cold weather.)

Redbud Tree 2012
Redbud Tree 2013

Round Flowerbed 2012

Round Flowerbed 2013
Side Flowerbed 2012

Side Flowerbed 2013

WELL---that's it... Photos don't lie!!!!!  We just don't have much spring here yet AT ALL...  I hope that your spring is better so far...  AND---I hope that in a month,  I'll look back at these photos and know that Spring was JUST late --and that we didn't lose alot of our Spring flowers!!!!!  (Right now,  it looks like we have lost many Tulips and Daffodils...)

Hope you had a great weekend and Easter!  Hallelujah---Jesus Christ has risen!!!
