Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Birdies --including a Surprise One!!!!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. We enjoyed the cooler weather very much--but I think the heat is returning this week, at least during the daytime. Our biggest problem here now is the lack of rain. We haven't had any rain at all since August 18, and only two or three times this entire summer. The grass is brown, and the leaves on the big shade trees are wilted and dying. We water what we can --and I'm trying to save our Rhododendrons, Azaleas and our Laurel. BUT--even they are stressed and dry. Hopefully, we will get some rain soon, but I think I've scared Mother Nature away with "MY" rain dance!!!!! (Understandable!!! ha ha )

Recently, I have talked alot about our Bluebirds, Cardinals and some of our Woodpeckers... But --we have other Backyard Birds to visit us also... SO--today, I'll show you some of our 'other' birds... I have it on authority that the bird above is a BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER (immature male --losing his colors). I have never seen one of these, so you can only imagine how excited I am!!!!!! (I first thought he was a Goldfinch; later I thought he was a Yellow-rumped Warbler... )

Mr. BLUEJAY makes alot of noise when he is around. But he doesn't seem to scare the other birds away!

I love MOURNING DOVES. They come almost every afternoon about 5 p.m. and clean up the deck for me... They love to clean up everything the other birds have dropped... I call them my vacuum cleaners!!! ha

I love this silhouette of one of our Ruby-throated Hummingbirds... Our hummers came late this year (July) --but now we have LOTS of them around. I have two feeders on the deck --but have a hard time getting a good picture from inside. But they are fun to watch!!!!

I have one feeder in the front yard -- so I can sit on my bench out front and see the hummers coming and going to this feeder. I love seeing his iridescent colors.

This is our 'friend' ---the Pileated Woodpecker, who loves to sit outside of our window each morning about 6 a.m. HOLLERING for his breakfast... (This one is for you, KELLY.)

Here is your SURPRISE!!!!! Know what this is???? He's a BAT--and he loves to 'rest' on our front porch... They sleep upside down ---but he looks like he had his eyes opened --when I took his picture!!!! Bats are really good to have around since they eat mosquitos. (This one is for you GINNY and JUDY.)

Have a fabulous Tuesday ---and remember to feed the birds!!!!! They will bring so much joy to your life!
