Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to September!!!! After a trip to Biltmore, I'll share with you a gorgeous COLEUS collection. Don't you love the colors?

Friday, April 4, 2014

More from Amicalola Falls State Park, Georgia

Amicalola Falls in March of 2014! (Compare this one to the next one)
George and I visited Amicalola Falls State Park near Dawsonville,  Georgia from March 24-26, 2014.  Today I'll share more photos from that fabulous park.  As I said in this past Friday's blog post,  Amicalola Falls is 729 feet high and is Georgia's highest waterfall,  and is the third highest falls in the Eastern United States.  There are 600 steps leading up to that glorious waterfall.   Hope you enjoy my photos...

Amicalola Falls in March of 2011
And we just 'thought' there was alot of water coming over the falls this year... Look at the photo I took when we were there in March of 2011 (after tons and tons of rain).

Amicalola Falls --from a distance, with the long lens!

Amicalola Falls ----from a LONG distance;  (You can also see the lodge where we stayed --on the top of the mountain!)

The 'small' creek at the bottom of the mountain;  We walked in this area --and the Rhododendrons were beautiful.

This is the Reflecting Pool --at the bottom of the waterfall.   See that swing?  That's where George and I sat and enjoyed some lunch. It was COLD ---but the sun made it bearable.

George took this photo from the very TOP of the waterfall --showing the Reflecting Pool  (pictured above) WAY down there (about 1000 feet down).  See it????

Looking down toward the bottom;  See the steps on the left?

Another photo showing some of the 600 steps!

Photo from below the bridge;  There's one more bridge (at the VERY top)--which you cannot see.

Us at the bridge  I showed you in the photo above...It was neat being so close to the top of that huge waterfall.

I took this photo of the very TOP of this gorgeous waterfall,  with my long lens.
Hope you enjoyed seeing more photos from this fantastic waterfall.   Have a great weekend and week ahead. 

I found out in March that blogging less often is good for me --and gives me time for all of my interests in so many other things.  I just can't find enough hours in my day!

Please forgive me for not commenting very much on your blogs lately.. Life has gotten in the way BIGTIME... We are busy weeding and putting down mulch.  There's SO much to do in the yard. Please don't give up on me.  I do keep records of who comments on my blog and when,  and I so appreciate getting comments from those whom I have NOT had time  to visit.  It means so much to me.  You are special!

Because of life's busyness, I'm taking another blog break on Monday and Wednesday,  but will be back on Friday,  April 11.   Have a great week. Love you all.
