Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Easter Season with Family

George took this gorgeous Panorama on Easter Sunday at Black Mountain Overlook near Crab Orchard,  Tennessee.  
Dear Family and Friends,   Can you believe that April is almost over??????  Mercy Me--time is flying by!!!!!!    Hope you had a wonderful Palm Sunday AND Easter Weekend...   George and I certainly did...We visited George's daughter,  Kelly,  in her new apartment in Nashville,  TN  on Palm Sunday.   Then my son, Mark,  and his gal, Diana,  came to see us on Easter Sunday....  Thank God for FAMILIES!!!!!

Today I will share pictures from both special days, but unfortunately,  we only took the one picture of Kelly on Palm Sunday... I'm sure we were just too excited to see her new home.....   We obviously had a great day both on Palm Sunday and on Easter Sunday... Hope you enjoy today's pictures.

Handsome Son Mark ---doing some rock hopping at the Black Mountain Overlook, 4/21/19

New Growth everywhere we looked!!!!!   Love the pinecones!!!   4/21/19

Mark and Diana ---at Black Mountain, 4/21/19;   Great view of the Cumberland Plateau!

Mark--climbing down between some of the huge rock formations at Black Mountain,  4/21/19

Diana took this picture of my two guys and an old woman!!!!!!!! I think they were both worried that that old woman would fall off of the mountain.... ha ha

Another picture showing all of the new Spring Growth on that Pine Tree,  4/21/19

George checking out the rock formations at Black Mountain

Superman --climbing around on all of the different rocks at Black Mountain

All of the above pictures were taken on Easter Sunday on our hike to Black Mountain Overlook,  near  Crab Orchard,  Tennessee.. We had a great day for hiking.

The pictures below were taken at an overlook  (looking down toward Daddy's Creek) here in Fairfield Glade,  Tennessee, also on Easter Sunday..

A picture of the Fairfield Glade Overlook on a beautiful Easter Sunday day,  4/21/19

I love this picture of Diana....   She has a sombrero  on her head!!!!!! ha ha

Mark took  this picture of George and me ---at the Fairfield Glade Overlook,  4/21/19

I love this picture of Mark and Diana,  taken at the Fairfield Glade Overlook, 4/21/19

I don't know what we were talking about,  but I must have said something to make Diana laugh!!!!

The one picture we took on Palm Sunday (4/14/19) when we were in Nashville,  visiting  Kelly;   Look at that fancy dessert she was eating...... (No calories of course!!! ha ha)

Back to the Fairfield Glade Overlook:   George took this picture of Mark,  Diana and me on Easter, 2019!!!!
WELL---enough pictures for today!!!!   Hope you enjoyed seeing these family pictures...  The older I get,  the more important it becomes to be with FAMILY.     All in all,  we had a wonderful April ---including both Palm Sunday and Easter... Thanks be to God.

Have a great week!!!!


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter to ALL

My precious  Great Granddaughter 
Just stopping by a day early to say HAPPY EASTER to ALL!!!!!   I'll share 2 adorable pictures for you on this Easter Sunday....  The first picture above is Lil Miss Vivian (age 15 months)  all dressed up in her adorable Easter Dress...

The family, including  Daddy!!!

This picture taken with the Easter Bunny is of Vivian and her beautiful and very pregnant Mama.   AND---if you look closely,  you will see Brooke holding the phone...  Tristan  (Brooke's husband and Vivian's Daddy,  who is deployed with the Navy) was not able to be there in person,  but was there on Facetime with his family.

Happy Easter to ALL.    Hopefully,  you are enjoying this weekend with some family members.   Don't forget to remember those who are not able to be with their families this year.

Christ is RISEN.    Alleluia!!!

In God's Love,

PS--Sorry but I had to put comment moderation on since I've been getting too many ads and spam comments....

Monday, April 15, 2019

More SPRING is Happening in our Yard --April 15, 2019

Beautiful RED BUD tree blooming in our Yard 4/11/19
Good Morning Friends and Family,   After a warm week,  some rain and storms,  today is sunny and COLD....  Brrrr---got down to about 34 last night,  but it felt MUCH colder....Maybe now --it will warm up and stay warm!!!!!  (Pretty soon I'll be complaining about how hot it is!!!!!!!!  ha)

I haven't had much time to blog this week --but have gotten more pictures of our yard, as Spring keeps appearing....  SO today I'll just share more Spring Pictures for you... Hope you enjoy them.

The first picture at the top is a close-up of this tree,  the big RED BUD tree in our front yard.  (4/11/19)

Hosta plants are really pretty in our yard --so we have a bunch of them... The biggest problem with having Hosta is that the deer LOVE them!!!!!   (4/13/19)

I took this picture on 4/9/19 of the leaves popping out on our big trees.   As of today,  we have MANY more big trees getting their leaves!!!!!  Yeah!

More HOSTA;  4/13/19

The last little TULIPS blooming in the Yard for this year;    These are Double Tulips and I love their colors.  (4/09/19)

Hosta in another bed;  (4/13/19)

Little Azalea BUDS on one of our bushes in the backyard;  (4/13/19)

Some of our SEMPERVIVUM (Hens and Chicks) in the Yard;  (4/13/19)

Our Bleeding Heart bush is so healthy and just beginning to bloom;  (4/13/19)

A Bleeding Heart  (up close and personal);  (4/13/19)

Another Hosta (near the sidewalk);  (4/13/19)

Guess what this is??????  This is a LILY beginning to grow on our deck.  I LOVE Lilies  (almost as much as Roses and Tulips).  The deer also LOVE Lilies --and we have lost so many Lilies to the deer.   SO---My Sweetheart has made me a Lily Garden on the deck!!!!   See the next picture!!!   (4/10/19)

Here is my NEW Lily Bed on the deck...  Isn't George just GREAT?   He worked hard on this project  --so that I could enjoy the Lilies this year.   SO--in about a month or so,  I'll hopefully show you some of these Lilies in bloom.  YEAH!!!!  (4/10/19)

A beautiful HOSTA in the bed under the Dogwood tree;  (4/13/19)

Besides the Forsythia and Red Buds,  my favorite Spring tree in our yard is the PINK DOGWOOD... (4/13/19)

Another picture showing the PINK DOGWOOD;  (4/13/19)

A close up showing the PINK DOGWOOD;  (4/13/19)
Well ---that's it for this week....Spring is so exciting since it brings NEW LIFE all around us,  and so much color!  Whether it is the beautiful greens of the grass or Hosta plants--or the colors of flowering trees like the Red Bud and Dogwood,  or just watching the new growth of the flowers like the LILIES,   I feel so blessed...  Thanks be to God for new LIFE.

Happy Easter to ALL and God Bless YOU.
