Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


You can't miss this post today...  I have some very special bird photos to share.  I've been lucky this week ---and have had some very special guests at my bird feeders.  Obviously,  I've been taking alot of photos to share....

First of all,  I had a visit from Daddy Bluebird and two of his babies... One of the babies is pictured above... Isn't he adorable?

Here's a picture I captured of two baby Blues --on top of the arbor --waiting on Daddy to bring them some dinner! You should hear them 'chatter' when Daddy brings them food... SO cute!!!!

AND---I finally got a photo of all three of the new Baby Blues together.  I think the one on the left is a male and the other two are females... (But--they change daily--so I'll keep looking.)   In this photo,  they are looking up at Daddy --who is up at the Mealworm feeder getting some delicious worms for them... YUM!!!

The following four photos are ones showing Daddy Blue feeding one of the babies... I was so excited to get these pictures ---as you can imagine!  Daddy Blue goes up to the mealworm feeder while the baby waits in the plate below for Daddy to bring some mealworms to him/her.    

The Blue Jays love peanuts ---so I have to keep on adding more to the plate JUST for them...   When the plate is empty,  the Jays will HOLLER at me!!!!!! ha ha

BUT--the Red-Bellied Woodpeckers love the peanuts also (and so do the Nuthatches)...  Here is a female Red-Bellied visiting the plate feeder.

Now---here is one of the prettiest woodpeckers I think ---especially this time of year.  This is a Red-Headed Woodpecker.... Gorgeous,  isn't he?

The Red-Headed Woodpeckers are so gorgeous that I couldn't stop taking pictures of him.  I hope he brings his babies to the feeders this year.   I loved seeing the baby woodpeckers,  both Red-Headed and Red-Bellied in past years.

Ah-Ha........  Guess who else likes the peanuts????  It's no wonder I have to replenish that feeder so often... ha ha  (Don't you just love this picture of the gorgeous Red-Headed Woodpecker with a big peanut in its mouth????)

Finally,  here is a story as told by Mr.  Pileated Woodpecker,  as he tries to figure out how to get to the Suet Feeder....  (I think he is a 'young' Pileated--who was just learning!)

Hope you  enjoyed my 'adorable' Bird Photos as much as I have enjoyed them!!!!!

Have a wonderful day!
