Several of my little friends stopped by yesterday ---and they wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy Easter. Above are some of the deer which visited us on the golf course fairway behind our home. Can you hear them hollering, "Happy Easter"???? Below are more!!!
Looked who came back yesterday!!!!! It's one of our resident BROWN THRASHERS. They were here last year and even nested in our yard. BUT--they disappeared during the winter. I'm sure they returned just to say "Happy Easter" to all....
Here's another picture of the Brown Thrasher ---as he was getting ready to attack the suet feeder. Look at that long tail and beak. "I have missed you, Mr. Brown Thrasher."
This male NORTHERN CARDINAL --with his gorgeous red colors, spent a LONG time singing and singing to attract the attention of the lady..
I wish you could have been here to see and watch the Cardinals doing their 'mating-thing'... Here is the Misses (female NORTHERN CARDINAL)----perched up there with her tuft standing up, enjoying the fact that the male was singing his heart out JUST for her.. She sat and listened for awhile... I loved watching the two of them. When she finally flew away, the male followed her.
Well---this was a little later. The male came back ALONE.... Uh Oh---do you think his 'bride-to-be' jilted him????? He does look a little forlorn, doesn't he????? BUT--he did manage to tell all of us "Happy Easter".
In my bird blog post of March 25, I mentioned that recently, a NORTHERN FLICKER had come to our feeders, but I had missed getting a picture. Well---Mr. Flicker did return---and I did get some great photos. The male Northern Flickers have a black mustache stripe and the females do not. Isn't he gorgeous????
Mr. Northern Flicker was showing me how he could twist his head totally around to see what was behind him.... Yipes---that hurts my neck. He did manage to tell us "Happy Easter" though... AND--I thanked him for stopping by my feeders --and told him to return anytime!!!!!
SO-what are your special plans for the weekend? George and I will enjoy a weekend at home, and will cook a dinner of ham, 'tater salad and my special baked beans. I'm sure we will be watching alot of basketball games also.
On this day before Easter, my special critters and I want to wish each of you and your family, friends and loved ones a blessed Easter weekend. We plan to attend an Easter sunrise service here in Fairfield Glade on Sunday morning. Hallelujah! Christ is Risen from the dead!!! Thanks be to God.
I'm taking a little blog break --and will be back on Tuesday morning.
Hugs to ALL,