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Friday, July 5, 2013

North Carolina Visit to See Family

After our trip to Kentucky,  we made another short trip---this time to visit George's son and family from Florida,  who were vacationing at the Mountain Air Resort near Burnsville,  North Carolina.  Melissa's parents own this condo --so it's a great place to meet  up with them when they vacation here.

I call your attention to two other blog posts (which I wrote on another visit --in 2009).  This first one  (click HERE) shows you some family pictures taken when we were there four years ago... This next one  (click HERE) shows more pictures from this ritzy resort (where the wealthy people fly their private planes in and vacation at their million dollar homes)!!!!  There are four other blog posts from that trip --if you want to see more.  Just go to my sidebar and click on Mountain Air Resort.  Much has changed in these four years... Zack and Sean have grown-up,  and even the trees which allowed a great view from the deck at the condo have grown up and are obscuring the view... Shame on them!!!!! ha ha

Today,  I will share with you photos from this year's trip... Above is a picture of George's son and family (Zack-age 13;  Melissa,  Sean-age 9 in front of Melissa, and Bob/Robert).  Robert is Bob to us, and Robert or Rob to others!  Below are more photos from the Mountain Air area.

Here is a view of the mountains from the deck of the condo.  It was so nice just to sit out on the deck (even though it had rained some, and was only about 66 degrees that afternoon) and enjoy nature all around us.

This photo shows one of those beautiful homes at Mountain Air.   Bob did say that many homes up here are for sale now --due to the economy.  SO--even the wealthy may be struggling some!!!!!  ha   (That is one HUGE rock in front of this home.  You can only see a small part of it...

Here  is a view of the mountains.  The homes in Mountain Air are all built on the sides of the mountains --and all have a tremendous view of the mountains....All I can say is WOW.

This  is another of those tiny (NOT) homes in Mountain Air.... Mercy Me!!!!!  Wouldn't you love a 2nd home (or 3rd or 4th)---to visit on occasion in the mountains, LIKE THIS ONE????  I'd have to bring a full staff of maids with me!!!!!! ha ha   (Think I'll stick to a tiny little mountain cabin--which I would love!!! ha)

Here is another view of the mountains around that area --and the valleys below... I would love to have a view like this --but not sure I'd ever get anything else done.  I'd be staring outside all day long!!!! ha

There is a fancy golf course winding its way through these huge hills.  Here is a photo we took looking down on the golf course.   They certainly do a great job on keeping everything in good condition in this entire area--especially considering how very very steep and hilly it is!!!!  But --the owners pay steep fees in order to keep things in tip-top shape....

Here is a picture of the Master Chef at work.  Both Bob and Melissa are FABULOUS cooks ---and they served us a delicious dinner and breakfast  while we were there....  WOW---I could get spoiled by this special treatment.  Bob had made some fantastic BBQ (pulled pork) ---and we were lucky enough to get to bring some home with us.   YUM... SO delicious!!!!!!

Here are four photos showing the NIGHT SKY as it was getting dark... I love how it changes so quickly.... I couldn't quit taking pictures of that beautiful pink and purple sky.

Finally,  I'll close with one more picture of Bob and Melissa....  They are both such wonderful young adults and we enjoyed our time with them so very much... (They reminded me of my son, Jeff, and his wife, Dawn.)

Hope you had a great July 4th celebration.   AND--I hope you have a fabulous summer weekend... I'll see you on Monday!
