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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cades Cove in the Smokies

Last weekend when George and I were in the North Carolina mountains, son Jeff and his son (my sweet grandson) went camping at Cades Cove in the Smokies. When they got home, Jeff sent us about 50 photos from their weekend. Jeff is a fabulous photographer ---and they saw ALOT of wildlife while there..

SO---I want to show off some of Jeff's pictures today. The picture above is of gorgeous Cades Cove. IF you ever get to the Smokies, PLEASE add a trip to Cades Cove in your schedule. It is absolutely a fabulous place to be out in nature. Below are more pictures!

This is their campsite.

A gorgeous sunset

A roaring campfire---and guess what else????? SMORES! Yum!

The horses love a pat or two!!!!

This little Baptist Church is in Cades Cove... The deer must have been wanting to go to church!!!! ha

One of the neat hiking trails in the area

One of many little cabins in the Smokies

Jeff got many great photos of the deer. There are always many deer in the cove.

Of course, the Cove is full of beautiful birds also. (I'm sure Jeff took this picture just for his mother!!! ha)

The day wouldn't be complete without seeing a gorgeous butterfly, would it?????

OOPS-----I don't think I want to see one of these... Yipes!!!!

Black bears are all over the Smokies... People love seeing them when they are in Cades Cove. Jeff said that they saw several while they were there.

This is one of my favorite photos. I love seeing the deer munching on some clover!!!

I'm so glad that they had a great weekend. They also picnicked at the Chimneys and drove up to the top of the mountain at Clingman's Dome that weekend. Oh---the Smokies!!!! I love 'em!!!! If you haven't visited here, put it on your 'list' and come sometime!!!!
