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Monday, May 23, 2016

Our Annual Vacation to the Beach --May 15-20, 2016

Hello Blog Friends,  As many of you know,  we went on vacation last week to one of our favorite places,  the Islander Inn at Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina.   I'm a 'mountain gal' at heart ---but just HAVE to get to the beach once or twice a year.  We've been to this location in May for the past 10+ years ----and a few years ago,  we added a trip there also in early December.  I wouldn't want to "live" permanently at the beach --but getting my 'beach fix' once or twice a year is PERFECT for me.

I say this most every year,  but THIS year seemed to be one of our BEST trips there (even with a few 'negatives' in the mix).   The negatives:  weather (only saw the sun one morning during our time there, and it was very COOOOOOLLL);  too many people  (we went later in the month than we usually go --and the Inn was full, and you know how much we don't like crowds);  too many barking ("YAPPY") dogs...  An ASIDE:  I love dogs,  but I don't understand why adults can't train their dogs NOT to bark NON-STOP.... Gads!!!!  Kids screaming and having fun didn't bother me nearly as much as the constant and continuous barking dogs...

NOW--put all of the 'negatives'  away ---and realize that if you are George and me,  you know how to make the best of all situations...  Here are the positives:  We did enjoy the beach (sitting and walking) despite the weather --and it never did rain much;   We had jackets and sweatshirts with us so we didn't get too cold;  The weather could have been MUCH worse;  We didn't need sunscreen at all on this trip (HA HA);  The best news pertaining to the weather was that we were able to get more relaxing done --including sleeping,  reading,  just vegging out!!!!!  Both of us GO-GO-GO in our normal lives,  so just total relaxation was NEEDED and we loved it!

Another great positive was the fact that we found a new-to-us awesome PARK  (Sunset Beach Town Park) where there were very few people and where we could walk,  sit or swing with a view of the water,  listen to and watch the birds, and  enjoy one of the neatest patriotic monuments I have ever seen....  We could get away from the crowds at this park ----so we went there several times.... LOVED it.

Today,  I'll share some pictures from this awesome vacation--including a hike to see some waterfalls on the first day.   The picture at the top though is one of my favorite memories.  We are sitting on one of the many comfy swings at the park... It was so enjoyable and ROMANTIC.

We hiked about 2+ miles in the mountains of North Georgia (near Clayton) on May 15 --and saw 3 waterfalls and some huge cascades.  We hiked on the  Holcomb Creek Trail --and saw  Holcomb Creek Falls,  Ammons Creek Falls (where this picture was taken) and  Upper Holcomb Creek Falls.

One of the beauties about hiking in the mountains this time of year is seeing all of the wildflowers and bushes in bloom.  This is MOUNTAIN LAUREL --and it was gorgeous in those mountains.

This is our home away from home,  the Islander Inn at Ocean Isle beach, NC.  We enjoyed leaving our door opened the entire time (including nights) just to hear the roar of the ocean... That makes for GREAT sleeping, you know.  We also enjoyed eating and also doing our devotions on our balcony....

Right after we checked into our room on May 16,  we took a walk on the beach (one of our favorite things to do).  I love watching the swell of the waves as they crash into shore.

Our VERY favorite seafood restaurant is in Calabash,  NC.. Its name is DOCKSIDE --and George says that we go to the beach JUST to go to Dockside... ha ha... This is a side view of Dockside from the pier --where they bring all of that fresh seafood in that we enjoy so much.

From the pier near Dockside Seafood Restaurant,  I was looking the other direction showing you more of the fishing boats and the beautiful water. 

The first night we were there is when we just happened to find this awesome little park (Sunset Beach Town Park).. It is located between Calabash (where our favorite restaurants are) and Ocean Isle --so it's in a perfect location.  I was thrilled just to cuddle with my Sweetheart on that swing every time we were there.

There were a few times when the weather was good enough to take off the jackets and enjoy walking on the beach.

We took many pictures from the PARK... I loved this one  showing that reflection of the little Palm Tree.

I loved this picture of George paying tribute to our awesome FLAG.  This patriotic monument was honoring all of the veterans who fought for our freedoms.  Don't you love the statue?  I could do an entire blog post (and MAY) about this monument.  We stopped and payed our respects every time we were at that park.

Some nice lady volunteered to take our picture one day when we were taking our walk on the beach.

Another view from the PARK:  Again,  the reflections were perfect that day!

Guess where we are?   IF you have ever been to Calabash,  North Carolina,  you MUST have visited the Calabash Creamery for some homemade Ice Cream.... WELL---we were there one evening---maybe two---maybe THREE.....   Someone told me once that CALORIES don't count when one is on vacation.  I'm sure they are correct,  aren't they?????? ha ha

Do you think this old woman loves ICE CREAM??????   YUMMMMMMM... (Yes--I do!!!!).. This flavor was called Cheesecake.... Oh My HEART!!!!!

On the water at Sunset Beach Town Park,  May 18, 2016.   (If you can see the bridge in the distance,  that is the bridge to Ocean Isle Beach.)
Well----that gives you a synopsis of our wonderful trip.  The worst part was coming home with a terrible Stomach Virus/Bug/Food Poisoning.. BOTH of us got sick on the way home on the 20th...  Needless to say,  that part was NOT fun --but I was glad we were HOME when it hit hard!  We are both fine today (other than no energy at all and still feeling weak).   OKAY----forget that part,  and just remember what a marvelous trip we had this year!!!!  Thanks be to God for my life with George and all of the great times we have together.

Hugs to All,