Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Visit from Cousins

This weekend, two of my cousins came to visit. Carol and Bonnie are 1st cousins since they have the same grandmother. I am their 2nd cousin since my grandmother and their grandmother were sisters. I am the oldest of the three of us, being born in 1942. Carol was born in 1946 and Bonnie was born in 1947. We all remember each other while growing up --but I had lost touch until a couple of years ago. Bonnie and Carol are almost like sisters although Bonnie lives in Florida and Carol lives in Michigan. Meeting here in Tennessee is perfect for ALL of us.

Bonnie is married to Dave, and they have a beautiful home (which they keep remodeling) in Melbourne, FL. Bonnie is one of the most creative people I've known --and even though we are cousins, I didn't inherit any of her gifts of decorating, scrapbooking, etc.

Carol is married to John, and they live in Battle Creek, Michigan. Carol is like my good friend, Judy. Her life is all about her kids and grandkids.. She has 2 children, a son and a daughter, and five grandchildren.

Yesterday, the three of us cousins had a "Girls' Day Out".... We went shopping, antiquing, more shopping, and had lunch together. AND---there was a TON of talking going on the entire time.

Today, during the afternoon, there are 7 of us who are going to Fall Creek Falls for dinner at the state park restaurant there. Bonnie's husband couldn't come with her this time, but Carol's husband, John, is here. Carol and John are staying with John's sister and hubby who live in Sparta, TN (near here). SO---all of us (including George and me) are going to meet and enjoy dinner together, and also see the park and the waterfalls in the Fall. I hope to have some pictures soon.

Today, I'll introduce you to these two special cousins. George was nice enough to take some pictures before we left home yesterday for our fun day. Above is me, Bonnie and Carol taken inside our home in front of the fireplace. Below is one more of the three of us --taken outside near the front porch.

I hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend also.
