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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Black Mountain Overlook

There is a mountain near us named Black Mountain. George and I have visited there many times since we moved to the plateau in 2003. The road up the mountain is paved--but very steep and narrow. We pray that we won't meet another car going the other direction when we drive there. Yesterday-we had the entire area to ourselves which was nice!!!

Once on the top, there is a great trail all around the area (about 1.7 miles) which we enjoy hiking. There are two overlooks --but one of them has too many trees in front, which prevent a good view. The other overlook, definitely our favorite, is a series of large rocks on the top of the mountain where there is a great view. We enjoy just sitting at that overlook enjoying the countryside below us.

Yesterday was a sunny day on the mountain but there was a cold wind blowing --which made it feel as if the temperature was in the low 30's. Brrrrrrr!!!! Even though we were dressed appropriately, we didn't stay on that overlook as long as we usually do. Besides, it was getting late and George didn't want to drive down that narrow mountain road after dark!

Here are some pictures taken yesterday from Black Mountain. Above is a great picture --as the sun began to set. Isn't that gorgeous???? More pictures are below.

I snapped the picture above of George while on the overlook. Great picture, huh?

Even though we enjoyed a clear day, by the time we hiked around the mountain and got to this overlook (pictured above), it was hazy and beginning to get dark. So the view, although pretty, is not as clear as pictures we've taken in past. But--even late on a winter afternoon, this still is a beautiful place.