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Friday, October 5, 2012

Pikes Peak, Colorado---Part II

If you missed Part I from our journey way UP Pikes Peak,  please click HERE.   Today I'll share more of our adventure. The picture above  shows the beautiful views from up there.  Can't believe that we were WAY down there near that lake only a short time before being here!!!!!

We finally made it to the  TOP  (over 14,000 feet).   Here you can see the visitor center (where we just HAD to have some hot chocolate and a famous Pikes Peak do-nut) on the left and the little train on the right.

I saw this same photo on another blog (from someone who had been here in August) --and it looked so different this time with snow on the ground.    LOVED it up there --but it was quite cold!!!!!   We obviously didn't linger outside for long! ha

Here is our view from the very top...   Beautiful, huh?

George just HAD to take a picture of the Girl who loves SNOW while we were on the summit...  Cold, you ask??????   YES---just a tad!!!!!! ha  (Temperature up there was in the 20's/30's with a stiff breeze.)

Now we are headed back down the mountain.   Didn't realize that I had gotten a bird in the photo --but I like it.  That's a pretty big guy!!!!  There's also a biker in front of us...  I'll bet he enjoys the ride DOWN better than he did the ride UP..... ha ha  (I cannot imagine being able to do that!  I could barely walk on the top without being out of breath.)

 Here's another photo of our road..... Can you imagine them building that road??????  Wow!!!!!!

We are almost back down... Here's another reflection photo which I like.  Oh--how I love seeing the yellow ASPEN trees in bloom.... We just got there at the perfect time!!!!

Finally,  this picture was taken from our motel in Colorado Springs.  Can you believe that we were up on the TOP of that mountain??????  Awesome experience!!!!! Hope you enjoyed it!

Have a wonderful weekend.  My son's wedding is tomorrow ---so we will be celebrating all weekend!!!!   See you on Monday!
