Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, October 26, 2020

ROSES in Autumn

Dear Friends,  As you know George and I have a lot of flowers blooming in our yard throughout the year.  Most of them only bloom for a few months.  The Roses, however, bloom from May until November (or later --depending upon the first hard frost, which we have not had yet)...  

George 'loves' and takes such good care of all of our beautiful Roses and I am so fortunate when he brings a rose inside for me to enjoy,  almost every day... Hope you enjoy this group of ROSES today.  In order to see the names,  "mouse over" each picture.   Hope you enjoy the Roses in Autumn!!!!

WELL---what's your favorites??? This last little jewel named Violet's Pride  is named after Violet --in Downton Abbey,  one of my all-time favorite shows.  SO--at this moment,  Violet is a favorite.  The first rose at the top, Double Delight,  is one that has been with us for about 20 years now--and she will always be a favorite.  

Have a great week, my friends...  I am getting ready for some surgery next week ---so I'm anxiously awaiting it --and hoping for good results...  Prayers please. I just want to begin to feel better!! Thanks!

