Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What we Found Once we Got Home

We did have a wonderful beach vacation---but there was alot of beauty waiting for us when we get home. Since we had had LOTS of rain here while we were gone, everything was growing ---including the weeds and the grass!!!! ha.. BUT---there was some beautiful color waiting just for us to get home. Above is one of our beauties---the gorgeous Azalea bush in the front yard. It is just fabulous, don't you think??? Below are more pictures!

Hooray!!!!! Our first rose bloom of the season is smiling for us!!!! Her name is Rio Samba. Isn't this a gorgeous rose????? One reason we changed our annual beach vacation from the middle/end of May to the beginning was because we didn't want to miss any of our roses when they bloomed. This one was waiting for us to come home!!!! There will be MANY more to come.

This picture of Rio Samba was taken yesterday. The one above was taken Monday. These beautiful roses change daily... I love this rose. It's neat that it has bloomed FIRST this year.

Our big Rhododendron (we have three: this large one and two small ones) is putting on a show this year. This was obviously taken from our deck. I can sit on my 'throne' inside and see this gorgeous Rhody!!!

Here is a view of the Rhody --from the back yard. WOW--what a beauty!!!!

When we first moved here, Dad Adams gave us these little American Irises. They are much smaller than our other Irises, but they are pretty and do add color in our yard. They are in a rock garden area in the front yard surrounded by English Ivy. Very pretty!!!!

Here is a close-up of some of our little American Irises.

These gorgeous Irises are so beautiful. They are named Orange Harvest. This is the year for yellow Irises I guess since we've had two different sets of yellow in bloom (Honey Glazed and Orange Harvest).

I am going to post an entire page of our Irises soon (besides this one and Orange Harvest above, we have two more new ones so far this spring), but since this is one of my all-time favorite Irises, I just had to show it to you. This beauty is named Cable Car!!!! Neat color, huh?????

Now you can see why we love to get home!!!!! It's fun to go on vacation---but it's even more fun to get home.
