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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blog Friends are BEST Friends

Betsy and Sally---Special Friends FOREVER
Since we started blogging,  George and I have been blessed to have met some wonderful new friends.   On our recent trip out west,  we met two wonderful couples.  The first couple whom we met in Colorado was Jim and Sally Wessely,

Sally's blog is HERE.   Please check it out... As a retired English teacher,  Sally has the gift of writing.... Her blog posts are always so interesting to read.  She lost an adult child to suicide a couple of years ago --and the blog has been a way for Sally to express herself --which has helped with the healing.

Anyhow--we found that the four of us (all former educators) have alot in common.  We met for lunch at a fabulous little restaurant near Colorado Springs ---and were able to eat outside along a little creek (with TINY waterfall--just for us of course)... ha   (No  NEAL,  we didn't count that waterfall in our total number for the trip... ha ha )

After lots of talk and a delicious lunch,  Sally and Jim took us to the GARDEN OF THE GODS (near Colorado Springs, Colorado).... Wow---what a fabulous place.    We really enjoyed our afternoon together ---and they even took us by their new home (which they have just purchased)...  We felt privileged to be among the first to see the new home.  CONGRATS,  Sally and Jim.

Today,  I will share our time together with wonderful friends, Sally and Jim Wessely.  Be sure and click on the photos to see enlargements.

Bill and Sally Wessely
Let me introduce my friends,  Jim and Sally.  This was taken during our lunch.  You can see the little creek behind our table.  What a gorgeous place ---and the Buffalo Burgers were delicious also.

Where is our lunch?????  We are HUNGRY.... ha
There was lots of conversation --as you can imagine--around the lunch table.  When one meets blog friends,  he/she feels as if she has known them all of her life... It's a very unique and special relationship for sure!!!

Four Special Friends
 We asked our waiter to take a picture of the four of us.... Didn't he do a good job???

At Garden of the Gods
This was taken at Garden of the Gods... I couldn't get over the beauty of that place...  AND---since Sally's new home is near there,  she'll be able to visit there often.... Wow---I'm envious!!!!

Sally and Jim at the Garden of the Gods
Here is a great picture of Sally and Jim,  taken during our visit to the Garden of the Gods... You HAVE to see this place in person in order to take in all of the beauty.

More from Garden of the Gods
I will do a post on Friday showing more from Garden of the Gods,  but here is one more photo for you to enjoy today.  We were there on a perfect day ---with that beautiful blue sky.

Sally and Jim at Balanced Rock
Finally,  here is one more photo of Sally and Jim  taken at Balanced Rock  (at Garden of the Gods). There were people all around that rock ---so I had to ZAP them out of the picture!!!!!  Isn't that rock interesting????  Reminded me of a similar rock at the ARCHES in Utah.

Sally and Jim,  thanks to you both for showing us such a great time in your area.  We loved meeting you and truly enjoyed our day...  Hope you come to Tennessee someday --so that we can show you OUR area.   Thanks also for the wine and for the delicious HUGE cinnamon rolls..... We enjoyed them throughout our trip (except for the wine --which came home with us)...

Anyone who has not met your blog friends yet MUST find ways to meet them... Blogging is terrific, but meeting them in person is AWESOME...

Have a great Wednesday --and thanks for all of your kind thoughts about my son's wedding.  It was a beautiful weekend --and I still am on Cloud Nine!!!!! ha
