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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grotto Falls --in the Smokies

My youngest son has lost alot of weight --and I'm so proud of him. He and his children have been doing some hiking now that he is getting healthy again. I was telling him some of the hikes that George and I have taken in the Smokies.

One hike which we loved was to GROTTO FALLS. Grotto is more like a waterfall for the 'locals' rather than the tourists. For some reason, this one is not listed in the 'waterfalls to visit' while in the Smokies (like Rainbow, Laurel, Abrams, etc.). BUT--this is a really nice hike and waterfall.

The Grotto Fall hike is located off of the Roaring Fork Motor Trail (above Gatlinburg). Undoubtedly named for the recess behind the descent, this waterfall hurtles 25 feet over a sandstone escarpment along Roaring Fork. A short side path allows access to the 'grotto'. This is an enjoyable 1.2 mile hike (one way) to this waterfall. George and I loved this hike and recommend it, not just to Jeff, but to anyone visiting the Smokies.

Here are some pictures from the 2007 hike which we took to Grotto Falls. Above is a picture of the waterfall. For anyone who thinks that a good camera doesn't make a difference ---WELL---it surely does. These pictures are okay, but nothing like they would look if we had have taken them with our new cameras. But--you'll get the idea. Below are more photos from Grotto Falls!

I always enjoy sitting on the rocks near a waterfall. This day was no exception. It makes me YEARN for good health again, so that I can hike soon.

George gets up close and personal with the waterfall.

Look who is standing BEHIND the waterfall!!!! That water felt pretty good on a warm, spring day in 2007.

Now George is hiking around on the rocks (He hikes; I sit--ha) getting more and more pictures.

Here's one last picture of GROTTO FALLS... I've said this before, but we enjoy hiking where there aren't many other people. This hike was perfect!!!! We recommend it ---and if I can get healthy, maybe we can go back there sometime!!!!

Thanks for all of the kind words about my knee surgery. I am feeling MUCH better today, so maybe I've turned the corner!!!! I certainly hope so!
