Lower Cove Creek Cascade |
As I said in the Feb. 6th post, George and I took a short trip on Monday and Tuesday (Jan. 30 and 31). On the 31st, we drove through the glorious Smoky Mountains stopping in Wears Valley to check out FIVE waterfalls. We saw these waterfalls in 2008 ---but were anxious to see them again!!!! On that gorgeous day, we loved walking along the creek checking out the waterfalls along the way... Above is Lower Cove Creek Cascade... Isn't it pretty? Be sure to click on the pictures to enlarge them..
Cove Creek Falls |
This little waterfall sits directly behind a house/cabin.... Great location for the cabin ---but it seemed to be in disrepair. Nobody was around when we were there.
George at Cove Creek Falls |
I love this picture of George. I put it on Facebook last week. He is standing in front of Cove Creek Falls.
Secret Falls |
There are two cabins at Secret Falls. One of them (like some of the other cabins along this road) sits TOO close to the water... I'm sure that high water or a flood would do alot of damage to these cabins. (That may be why one of them is for sale!!!!!)
The picture above is Secret Falls. The two cabins are across the creek. You can see the one closest to the water --but the other one (a huge cabin) is up on the hill (to the left). Parking is on the road side of the creek, and one has to walk across the bridge to get to both cabins.
Betsy at bridge above Secret Falls |
George took my picture as I checked out the bridge above Secret Falls.. This area is just gorgeous---and we had a nice walk on a mild January day.
Middle Cove Creek Cascade |
I took this picture from the bridge --looking toward Middle Cove Creek Cascade, farther upstream. Wish you could have heard the roaring water as it swiftly made its way downstream. There is another cabin in the distance --along with another bridge.
Close-up Picture of the Cascades |
We loved seeing this creek and all of its cascades and waterfalls. We both love taking 'up close and personal' pictures of the water. The picture above is a close-up I took...Isn't the water gorgeous? It looks like silk, doesn't it?
Upper Cove Creek Cascade |
The last waterfall upstream is farther away ----so George put on his long lens for a great shot. There is a house (with no-trespassing signs) at the end of the road, so we couldn't get close to this waterfall. I love our long lenses for pictures like this.
Hope you enjoyed our little walk along the creek. You can imagine how wonderful it was seeing these beautiful waterfalls and cascades as we walked...
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. George and I have been in Georgia doing some hiking and 'waterfalling'.... That's our very favorite thing to do. On Monday and Tuesday, we have seen a total of SEVEN waterfalls... We had SO much fun!!!!! We also went out to a wonderful Valentine's Dinner of Prime Rib and more.... What a wonderful trip!!!!! (I will begin catching up with your blog posts soon... There's never enough time!!!!)
One more piece of GREAT NEWS: My youngest son Jeff and his gal (Dawn) are officially engaged now. He gave her a ring on Valentine's Day!!!!