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Monday, July 19, 2010

Our Baby Blues

When our Baby Eastern Bluebirds fledged about a month ago, I waited and waited for Daddy to bring them to the feeders... I kept seeing Mom and Dad Blue --but none of the babies... YET---I knew they were somewhere close by --up in the trees.

This past week, they started coming to the feeders --and have been coming every day recently. There are three of them--that I can count at one time. And Daddy came with them at first--but now, they come by themselves.

Here are some pictures. As you may know, Bluebird babies are speckled--but they soon lose those speckles and get bluer and bluer... Above is one at the suet feeder --with another one waiting above. Below are more.

Out of the three, I think that one is a female and the other two are males. This one is a female I think. The females are more brown --with not as much blue.

Here's another cute picture of one of the Blues at the suet feeder and another one above--waiting...

This close-up shows all of the speckles on the Baby Blues... Aren't they pretty?

Now there are two of them on top of the Suet feeder... It's almost as if they are talking to one another... Sorry about the blurry blue clothespen in the picture.... ha

This picture is blurry ---but I love it.... This is when Daddy was teaching them to come to the feeders.... You can see one little one with his mouth open ---begging for some food from Daddy... He learned to stay away--so that they would eat for themselves!

I was hoping for another brood this summer--but so far, nothing in the nestbox. Oh Well---I'll just enjoy the ones I have!!!!

Happy Birthday (yesterday) to my oldest son. Bert is 47 now!!!!! (Hard to believe!) He and his family are back in Galveston, TX --after spending a year and a half in Las Vegas working in the restaurant industry there. Their old employers have called them back (Pointe West) to Texas since opening back up --after Hurricane Ike devastated that area... They are THRILLED to get back to Texas! Please pray that no more hurricanes hit that area anytime soon!
