Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Getting Ready for Winter

On Thursday,  George and I spent the day getting ready for a FRIGID weekend on the Cumberland Plateau....  This will be our FIRST freeze--and you know what that means.  Our 2010 Roses are gone for the year!!!! Sigh!  But--that will just give me something to look forward to in the spring!!!!!

Here are some pictures showing what we have done to prepare for winter on the Cumberland Plateau.  Above is a picture showing some of my 10 potted plants and hanging baskets that I de-bugged and brought inside for the winter.  This area is in the Dining Room next to one of the sliding glass doors...  They will stay warm --and yet get some sun in winter... (I tried keeping some of my plants in the garage last year,  but it was too cold for them there.)  Below are more!!!!

How many women out there have about 40 gorgeous rose blooms or buds in their home at the same time?????   I DO!!!!!!   George cut and brought in all of the Roses from the yard on Thursday...  The picture above shows ALL of them ---but I now have them spread around the home in several locations... SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!  (I will miss them when they are gone!)  NOTE:  You can see some of the hanging baskets to the left in the photo.

Here is a photo of one of our 3 Reblooming Irises ---which are so pretty right now... Aren't they just gorgeous?   I hate to see them get frozen... SO--you'll have to look at the next picture to see what we did.

We are trying to save these 3 Irises --at least for awhile longer (until winter sets in permanently)... SO--we have bagged them in hopes of saving them --through these next 3 cold nights... I'll keep you posted as to whether this works or not.. I've never had Irises blooming this late in Fall--so this is a new one for me.

You have seen alot of pictures of our home recently --looking at all of the big trees in the back yard.  Here's one more (above) taken this past Thursday --showing that most of the leaves are either down --or ready to come down.. Winter is coming to the Glade!!!

Here is my HERO.... George is doing his husbandly duty at our woodpile --splitting wood and then bringing several stacks to the garage... Those warm fires in our fireplace in this kind of weather don't just happen!!!!!   I am a fortunate woman to have a man who takes care of that for us...   He knows how much I love those roaring fires.

Here's a picture of the maple tree in our front yard... The Maples in our area have shown their colors off and on all Fall. Some have turned late--like OURS.  There is not much color left around Fairfield Glade.

Finally,   this last picture was taken on Friday afternoon....    We knew that frigid weather was coming  and they predicted some rain and snow....  But--guess what this was???? SLEET....   And this was only Friday... The REALLY cold weather hadn't gotten here at that time....

I'll close asking one final question:  "When is SPRING?"   ha ha ha


UPDATE:  Low here on Friday night was 26;  Low on Saturday night was 25; Low last night was 28... BUT--they say that warmer weather is now on the way!!!