Well--it is only 4 days 'til Christmas. Are you ready????? I guess we all will be ready because it will happen regardless. Today and tomorrow, I will feature some of our many favorite ornaments. George and I both saved a few ornaments from our lives before we met--but we started a new tradition when we got married. We exchange 2-3 different ornaments with each other every Christmas. SO--our tree just keeps getting fuller and fuller. BUT--it is just so much fun when we decorate the tree, to unwrap these special ornaments and talk about that particular year and what the ornament meant or means.
The overall blog header in the center above was from 2001. It 'obviously' (HA) is a special one since it was our first Christmas together. That is a small ornament --and when I tried to crop and enlarge it, the overall picture didn't come out very good. BUT--I wanted you to see this happy couple eight years ago. The picture directly above is another ornament from that first Christmas. Below are a few more of some of our fav's.
You know that "I" love this ornament...... YES---"Let it SNOW"!!
I'll bet you may have one of these on your tree also... This is an ornament of a key to our home, which we bought in 2002. We bought our house in early Fall that year ---and we were just so so excited, as you can imagine!!!!
I love this ornament which I gave George... It is Santa going through his LONG list.... George relates to this since I usually have a LONG list of things for him to do!!!!! ha
Many of my 'gardening' blog friends will love this ornament which George gave to me one year. I have my own Gardening Greenhouse!! Is this not adorable????
Here's another of my favorite ornaments. We brought two replicas home from our wonderful trip to Williamsburg in 2007. This is the Governor's Palace.
I gave this little guy to George one year because he is my CHEF. When I married George, I had no idea that he loved to cook. The first meal I cooked for him was Spaghetti (something easy for me to do, and something I couldn't screw up too badly). Anyhow it turned out fine --but I didn't know at the time that George was a "cook from scratch" person ---and I had used bottled sauces... Uh Oh!!!! Glad he came back to see me after that meal!!!! ha ha
You can't see this ornament very well---but I gave it George in 2007. It is an ornament of George's HERO, Robert E. Lee. He loved it!!!!
Finally, here is another of my favorite ornaments. This is a gorgeous fishie..... I gave it to George since I love to go up to him begging for "Kissie-Kissie"..... Isn't she a beauty?????
I'll post more of our favorite ornaments tomorrow. In the meantime, sit and relax some this week and enjoy the week.