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Monday, February 9, 2015

ArtChain Challenge: COLORADO and WEST VIRGINIA Favorite Photos of Mine

Recently,  a good friend  (DOROTHY PEPPER)  tagged me on Facebook ---asking me to participate in the  ArtChain Challenge.  My task was to post 3 favorite photos that I had taken--and to do this for FIVE days.  Well--my first thought was,  "Why ME"?  I don't consider myself a professional photographer AT ALL --when compared to many other friends.  BUT--I do love to take pictures and I DO take LOTS of them... I always laugh and say that I take at least 10 pictures in order to get ONE good one!!!!!  BUT--I decided to participate --and I think my Facebook friends enjoyed seeing my pictures.  I will admit that I enjoyed going through some of my photos while choosing some favorites...

There were no other rules to follow other than to show 3 of my pictures each day and then encourage others to participate in order to keep the 'chain' going... BUT--I'm not sure that even my Facebook friends caught one thing I was doing differently,  and that was that  "I" decided to choose 3 photos from different STATES which we have visited...

Since many of you are not on Facebook (and I apologize to my FB friends who have seen these),  I decided to share these photos with you, beginning with the first two states today.   Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them, and re-living these experiences.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.    AND--if you'd like to join in the fun and show some of your favorite photos to keep this chain going,  you are welcome to do so!!!!!  I'd love to see some of your favorite photos.

Looking at Pikes Peak,  Colorado
I 'Lucked' up on this one.  I was looking toward Pikes Peak, CO in Sept. 2012 from Crystal Creek Reservoir. I love the reflections and the Aspens in the background.

Colorado Aspens ---and snow-capped Pikes Peak
I took this picture at another place on our way to Pikes Peak.  I was looking toward Pikes Peak, Colorado in Sept., 2012 --surrounded by gorgeous Aspens.. The Aspens were really showing off that month.  We were there at the right time for sure!!!!

Colorado Aspen Trees
Wow---the Aspens were at 'peak' that year ---and I must have taken a million pictures of them..  If you have never seen the Aspens out west,  make it a priority to do it one year... We were there in September of 2012.

Beautiful West Virginia
This is a view of the New River Gorge Area of West Virginia, taken from Grandview, in June of 2014.   George and I absolutely love West Virginia.  There is SO much natural beauty in that state ---and it luckily hasn't turned into a 'tourist trap'.... That's one reason we love it!!!!

 Rain,  Clouds and Sunshine happening in Beautiful West Virginia
We were traveling along the Highlands Scenic Highway (Highway 150) in West VA on a rainy/sunny day all around us!!! Picture was taken in June of 2014;

Big Huge West Virginia PUFF BALL!!!!!!
I just had to share this HUGE HUGE Puff-Ball we saw while driving along Highlands Scenic Highway (Highway 150) in West VA in June of 2014.  Isn't it gorgeous?

WELL---that's my first six (of 15) photos so far while participating in the ArtChain Challenge.  I will share more of my photos from this challenge at a later date.  In the meantime,  if you enjoy taking pictures,  I invite you to keep this CHAIN going --and join in the fun...  You don't have to follow 'their' rules from Facebook ---but just share some of your favorite pictures.... Thanks!!!
