All of the birds have been busy visiting us since we got home. They were fed while we were gone ---but when I'm home, I spoil them with extra fruits and nuts. SO---I'm sure they missed me!!!!
We have had FIVE Woodpeckers at our feeders just since we got home on Saturday. All of them love the peanut suet (which I have on three different feeders). One of my favorite woodpeckers, the Red-headed Woodpecker, came to the feeder --but I didn't get his picture... Darn!! Hope he comes back soon!!! In the meantime though, here are pictures of the other four, taken this week.
Above is one of our many Red-bellied Woodpeckers. He likes the suet feeder attached to one of our house feeders. They are year-round visitors (except for the fact that they disappeared for a month of two in early spring ---probably mating). Below are more!
I love the little Downy Woodpeckers. They are small---and they love the wire suet feeder. Thanks to MARY , I added some wood at the bottom of the feeder for them to sit on while eating. Isn't he a cutie?
You can barely see this woodpecker. He was playing "Peek-A-Boo" with me!!!! He's a Northern Flicker... You can see part of him hanging under the house feeder.
Here's another picture of the Northern Flicker ---as he left the feeder and flew to a nearby tree. These are gorgeous birds, don't you think? I'm so glad that they feel safe enough to come to the feeders.
And finally, here are three pictures of one of my all-time favorite birds, the Pileated Woodpecker. This silly bird is almost too big to do the things he wants to do. In this picture, he was trying to get to the wire suet feeder--by balancing himself on the clothes line above. He was really struggling! I just laughed and laughed!
While he was 'trying' to balance himself on that clothes line, he was using his wings --like we do our arms when we are in a similar situation. Wish you could have seen him. The pictures aren't very clear because I was laughing so hard.. BUT---you'll get the idea what he was trying to do!
He finally got some bites and stayed there for awhile just looking around. He was probably wondering why I was laughing at him. Shame on me!!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Woodpeckers. I love all of my birds--but the Woodpeckers are very special!!!!