Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, December 7, 2020

First TINY Snow of the Season--- Nov. 30/Dec. 1--2020

We had snow most of the day --but it didn't start sticking until after dark,  11/30/20.  The Deck Lights look pretty with a little snow around.

Dear Blog Friends,   Happy DECEMBER!!!!!  As hard as this year has been for many of us,  I am determined to find something each day that makes me HAPPY.  Today ---I'm happy to share with you pictures of our first little SNOW  of the season.  As a southern gal,  I love snow ---but living in TN means that we don't ever get much here.  SO---I take advantage of enjoying every single flake!!! ha

Hope you enjoy the pictures and stories as much as I enjoyed sharing them.

Our front porch all decked out for Christmas, 11/30/20

The Front of our House all decorated with lights and some snow,  11/30/20

The after-dark pictures were the best since the snow was sticking then,  11/30/20.

"Baby, It's Cold Outside"---SO guess what we did????  We came inside near the fireplace --and enjoyed some Hot Chocolate.. YUM.  (11/30/20)

TOTALLY DARK --but the iPhone takes great 'night' pictures.  More snow makes the lights glisten!!!!  Love it!   (11/30/20)  NOTE the homes across the golf course with their lights on!!!

The front yard beginning to turn white!!!!  I took this picture looking into total darkness... Amazing what cameras can do these days!  NOTE:  We had had LOTS of rain before it turned to snow,  so the ground was still wet and warm.  Another thing most people would love about this little snow:  NONE on the ROADS at all!!!!

Last picture before heading to bed,  11/30/20;  NOTE:  See the black plastic bags???  Inside those bags are our LILIES. They are all tied up and protected from the bad weather... Then say:  "See you in Spring"...  How would you like to sleep through the winter?????  ha

Now --you'll have to adjust your eyes... It is now morning  (12/1/20) ---and here's all of the snow we got (less than an inch).  BUT--it's really really COLD outside --so I didn't stay out very long.

I love how the snow accumulates on our shrubs and bushes.  This is one of our Holly Bushes along the front of the house!  (12/1/20)

I'll close with one more picture of our decorated Front Porch --Christmas 2020.

 Well----Merry Christmas to you... Hope the pictures brought a smile to your face today. I know many of your are asking:  "How can she get so excited about a teeny bit of snow?"    WELL---I don't know but know that I've always loved snow.  I lived in the deep south for about 20 years and saw NO snow at all.   In these trying times,  we all need lots of smiles and joy and happiness.  I posted this to say to you: Find something that makes you happy.   Enjoy it to its fullest!!!!  2020 has been a rough year,  and Christmas (like Thanksgiving) will be very different this year...  SO---get out there and find things (little things) that make you HAPPY.  Find the JOY in the season!!!!!

Family Update:  My middle son Mark and Girlfriend Robin BOTH  have had the Covid Virus.  Robin's assistant at work first tested positive and it spread from there...  Robin has had a rough time with the virus but is beginning to feel better (we hope and pray).  Mark has had a mild case---but both of them have been and will continue to be quarantined (15 days total).   Prayers for all of the people who are suffering from this terrible virus.  

George and I are still healthy but are extremely careful,  and don't go anywhere much these days... I'm glad we have each other --but we both get lonely knowing that we cannot be with family and friends now...   That is another reason George and I are working hard to find joy and happiness during this Christmas season 2020..   

 Hope you can find JOY in the little things in life this month!!!!!  Share that JOY with others.  We all need to make each other feel GOOD.    Hey Folks ---it's Christmas!!! Show the Love!!!

