Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring ---or Winter????

We showed you our Daffodils... SO now, we'll show you some other flowers in our yard right now... Spring is a wonderful time because the yard evolves... First are our Crocuses, Hyacinths, Tulips and Daffodils. SOON we'll have our Lilies and Daylilies, Irises and Roses. And besides our flowers, we now have our Red Bud and Cherry trees trying to bloom. (The Bradford Pear blooms are gone now.) Then we'll have our Dogwood, Azaleas and Rhododendrons blooming... OH--how I love Spring!

BUT--in some ways, we are still 'in' winter... In fact, it's supposed to get cold again here early next week... (Please say a prayer that it doesn't get cold enough to damage our roses and other flowers.) The picture above shows both spring and winter... I like that picture though since you can see our great American flag and one of our Red Buds... BUT--you can also see all of our big shade trees with NO leaves yet... Still looks like winter, doesn't it????? More pictures are below.

Here are our Red Dynasty Tulips. Aren't they gorgeous?

This beautiful orange Tulip is named Orange Emperor.

This gorgeous Tulip is named Mardi Gras.

Don't you just love those cute little (they really are small) Grape Hyacinths??

We have three small round flowerbeds in our front yard. We call this one the lamppost flowerbed. Last year, besides our Daffodils, we had lots of gorgeous Pansies still blooming. But--this year we lost most of our Pansies due to a cold, harsh winter. The good news is that the Lilies are growing and will bloom soon.

Here is another of our round flowerbeds. This one is under our Pink Dogwood.

Our groundcover ---throughout our yard (Periwinkle) just gets prettier and prettier. I love all of those gorgeous blue flowers.

We have a ditch in our front yard with a drainage pipe under our driveway. George has always had trouble mowing around the pipe on both sides of the driveway---so this year, Dad Adams gave us some of his Semps (Chicks and Hens). George has planted them around the edge of the yard near the ditch and drainage pipe. They look so pretty there.

Here's one more look at our "John Adams" Daffodils. Wish you could see them. They are so pretty right now!!!! Hope you had a good day yesterday. We made our scheduled trip to Hendersonville to check on Mom and Dad Adams. Again, we found them doing very very well. They had been to the doctor for their physical this past week---and everything came back GREAT. They never cease to amaze me.