Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

West Cumberland County

We took a ride west of Crossville on the Cumberland Plateau on Sunday afternoon, August 1st. But--since we left on our big trip that week, I didn't get a chance to publish these pictures...

The terrain is a little flatter in that area than it is near us. Above is a picture of one of the many fields (since there is quite a bit of farming there) --and that gorgeous blue sky with the puffy clouds... I will say that it was another hot and steamy day though!!!! Below are more pictures.

Here's one the little roads where we stopped --in order to get some pictures.

Doesn't this little creek look inviting on a hot, summer day???? There was nobody around to take advantage of that cool water though!!!

There were many barns and farms in this area..

On our little rides, I always seem to pick out a special home to show... This huge house and all of the land around it was pretty... (The house is as big on the right side --behind the trees, as it is on the left side.) BUT--wouldn't you think they'd pave their driveway????? Geeeessssshhhhh... ha ha

This is part of the 'grounds' around that huge home. Aren't they gorgeous????

Hope you enjoyed going on our little ride with us to Western Cumberland County. We'll take some more rides soon --but maybe not on Sundays (since FOOTBALL begins)... ha ha

I just had to show you this unique and gorgeous Grandiflora Rose (named Peppermint Splash) sitting on the table in our home. This is a new rose for us this year ---and I picked it out simply because of its uniqueness. Isn't it pretty????

Have a wonderful Tuesday.