Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our Yard in Early Spring---Part II

If you missed Part I of pictures from our yard this week,  click HERE to see them.  Today, I will share a few more with you.  Above is a picture of our side flowerbed which contains many varieties of Daffodils right now.  If you look carefully in this bed,  you can also see a patch of pink Hyacinths,  one Rose-colored Tulip and one Orange Tulip,  and a group of whitish/yellowish Tulips near the top of the picture. (Most of our Tulips have not bloomed yet.)  I enjoy seeing all of this beauty from our kitchen window.  It makes washing dishes much more fun!!!!!! ha

Every year,  our small Daffodils  (which we call Dad Adams Daffodils) put on a show for us.  Dad gave them to us after we bought our home --and they have done so well.  You can also see more Pansies,  the empty lot at the top of the picture,  and some paving stones (which George has put there temporarily-- now that he is rebuilding our rose beds).

Here are some of our pink Hyacinths.  We also have some purple ones and some burgundy ones.  I love Hyacinths --but ours are never FULL like so many I see in other gardens... Oh Well--I still like them.

Many of you commented about our ground cover,  Periwinkle,  in the last yard post.  We love it --and it has become a beautiful ground cover for us.  Here is a close-up picture of the beautiful little BLUE flowers.. (They may look purple in the pictures --but they are truly BLUE.)

Here is a picture of the 'Road' Flowerbed (our newest one).  In this bed are Roses, Lilies,  Daylilies,  Irises and some Tulips.  The only thing blooming so far are the tulips at this end.  Aren't they pretty?

This is my Sweetie ---working hard,  as he rebuilds and works on the rose flowerbeds...I'm so proud of him --and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the gorgeous roses he brings into the house for me to enjoy!!!!  (Of course, I also sit on my bench outside and enjoy them there too!)

If you were reading my blog the past few years,  you will know that George and I both really love SEMPERVIVUM (Semps--sometimes called Hens and Chicks).  We have them all around our yard in various places.  They are all different --and they add so much to the yard I think.  Here is just one group of them.

Hope you enjoyed seeing our yard in MARCH... As I write this (Wednesday night), we have had a rough day weatherwise.  We had storms with hail during the afternoon, and then, during the evening, we were under a tornado warning for awhile.  A tornado did touch down not far from here --but we were lucky this time.

We did have a thunderstorm and LOTS of rain.  SO--I'm glad we took our pictures to share BEFORE the storms hit.... Such is life!!!!!  It is unnerving though when the huge siren in our community goes off --which means there is a tornado in the area.   Yipes!!!!

Hope you have a good Thursday.