Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

From THIS to...

THIS!!!!! How 'bout that???? We have a new flowerbed !!!! My Sweetie has been working on this for several months ---bit by bit, block by block , and bag of dirt by bag of dirt. I'm so proud of him. Didn't he do a great job?????

Here's another view. George had been complaining about having to mow that ditch --which was steep in places. SO---I suggested that he build a flowerbed in that area. At first, he said NO---but after thinking about it, he decided to go for it. It has been a pretty big undertaking --compared to other flowerbeds in our yard. We do have a larger flowerbed along the side of the house --but it was more level than this one. (Sometime I'll show you the before's and after's of all of the things we have done in our yard since moving here in 2003.)

We took this picture from the garage --looking toward the street. George has already decided what we will put in that new flowerbed. Of course, we will have roses---but we'll also have some irises, daylilies and lilies. As I've said many times, we don't have much sun in our yard---so we've had to be creative when it comes to adding flowers which do well in full sun. That's why we have so many roses in pots along our driveway. They need SUN. So---we are excited to have another sunny flowerbed.

Here's one more view of the new flowerbed. Just think---next spring, we'll be showing you some pretty flowers from this bed!!!!

This is a picture of one of the beautiful dogwood trees in our yard. Autumn is REALLY coming now--since their colors are so pretty.

After a few months of almost no hummingbirds here, we now have quite a few. Most of them are the Ruby-throated ones. George took this picture through the glass door this week.

We have four feeders in our yard ----two in the back and two in the front. These hummers still fight over them!!!!! Too Cute!

Here's two of our September rose blossoms. This one is BRIGADOON. See the little critter on this one????

This beauty is called SWEETNESS.

Thanks to all for your wonderful comments on my "Asylum" blog yesterday. I'm glad to find out that I'm not the ONLY one who does dumb things... Maybe we all will end up in the asylum TOGETHER. ha ha


P.S. Thanks to JUDY for helping me learn how to make my pictures larger!!!! Yeah Rah! Check out Judy's gorgeous blog!