Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Winter Bird Photos of My Backyard Birds--Part 2

That Mockingbird looks rather disgusted with all of the ICE around.  Poor Thing!  (Photo taken on 2/17/15)
Last Thursday I showed you the first 10 photos of my Backyard Birds which I took the past few months... Click HERE   to see that post if you missed it.  Today,  I'll share 10 more with you.   Hope you enjoy the pictures... The poor birds really struggled here this winter after the horrible ICE, snow and frigid temperatures we had... I love feeding them year-round --but especially during a cold winter.  Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.

I kept having to break the icicles off of the domes --so that the birds could get in there for some food.  (Photo taken on 2/16/15)

I love this photo showing the Northern Flicker at the top suet feeder,  the Finches in the plate feeder in the middle,  and the Robin on the deck rail at the bottom....The Robin was trying to find a way to get his LARGE body up to the house feeder.... Not sure he ever made it to that feeder!!! (Photo taken on 2/26/15)

The Pine Siskins flocked to the feeders (and deck) during our harsh winter.  (Photo taken on 2/18/15)

Love this picture of a Tufted Titmouse grabbing a peanut!!!  (Photo by 2/17/15)

I have a 'heated' Birdbath ---and the birds love it especially when they can't get water in other places during an icy/snowy winter.  (Photo taken on 2/26/15)   (NOTE:  I told you that our 'resident' Robin was here most of the time... He seems to be in most of the pictures... ha)

Our little Carolina Wrens are such cute little birds... They are always around ---and LOVE to 'sneak' into our garage and try to build a house in there (which is a NO-NO).....ha   (Photo taken on 2/17/15)

I seemed to take alot of pictures of the Northern Flicker Woodpecker (but they are such gorgeous birds).   (Photo taken on 2/16/15)

I love this picture of an Eastern Bluebird on the tree --waiting to come to the feeders.  (Photo taken on 2/18/15)

Always a favorite bird at our feeders!!!!  (Photo taken on 3/28/15)
I didn't see our Pileated Woodpeckers when the weather was so bad --but after it began to warm up,  they began coming back to have a snack at the suet feeders. Like the Northern Flickers,  the Pileated Woodpeckers are so gorgeous.  I never get tired of seeing them.

Now that Spring is here,  some of our winter birds are moving on (like the Pine Siskins).  There are now some new birds at the feeders (Brown Thrashers,  Blue Jays) ---and I hope to see the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks when they come through here while migrating... AND--of course,  we are looking for the Hummingbirds to return.

Happy Spring to YOU ---and Happy BIRDING!!!  Sorry I haven't been around in Blogland much lately.  We've been out having fun ---searching waterfalls and doing some hiking!!!!!
