Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Fall 2019 ROSES in our Yard

Daring Spirit Rose --9/13/19
Dear Friends,   I had one more post of our last year's ROSES in my folders..  SO--I thought it would be a good time to do this post.  Flowers make me smile ---and at these hard times in our lives,  we ALL need some smiles,  don't we?

When our ROSES started blooming in May,   I tried to post all of them at least once during the year.  SO --today I'll share with you a few more --some of which I hadn't posted on a previous blog.   PINK Roses seems to do well here in the Glade --so we seem to always have an over-abundance of pinks to share...  Hope you enjoy today's picks ---and I truly hope this post makes you SMILE.

Tropical Sun Rose --9/19/19  (a new rose in our yard last year)

Summer Nights Rose-- 9/15/19

Anna's Promise Rose --9/18/19 (This one is named after Anna in Downton Abbey.)

Falling in Love Rose --10/13/19  (a new rose in our yard this past year)

Cabana Rose-- 9/14/19

Double Delight Rose --9/8/19  (always a joy to see)

Moonstone Rose --9/16/19

Flaming Peace Rose --10/13/19 (another new Rose in our yard this past year)

Veteran's Honor Rose --9/7/19  (always a fav)

Aromatherapy Rose 10/3/19  

Mother of Pearl Rose --9/16/19 (a new rose in our yard this past year)

Pinkerbelle --10/13/19 (I've featured this one before since it has bloomed and bloomed all summer/fall.  This was a new one in our yard this past year!!!  I LOVE Pinkerbelle!!!!
Okay Friends... Any favorite ones of yours out of this group?   I do hope that these did make you smile for a bit... I hope and pray that you and your family and loved ones are all okay --and staying inside and SAFE.   George and I only went out once this week (to the grocery store and recycle center).  We went very early in the morning --when there were no crowds...  That worked out good for us.  Now --we are home until the grocery needs call our name in a week or so....

What are you doing to pass the extra time you may have now?  I am enjoying my Genealogy program --even moreso now that I've met a couple of cousins on my Dad's side of the family after taking the 23andMe DNA info-kit a few months ago.  I didn't even know these cousins at all before taking that DNA test.   SO EXCITING...

It's hard not to worry during this COVID-19 Coronavirus (about ourselves, our families,  getting necessary supplies,  people out of work,  etc.).... BUT--worrying doesn't fix this!!!  I have found that the best thing to do is to find things to do and stay busy!!!!!   BUT---I'm praying hard for you and for everyone!!!!   Those of us who are Christians know that God is in control ...  

Have an awesome week --and stay HEALTHY and HAPPY.