Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Colors on the Cherohala Skyway - Part III

If you missed seeing Part I and Part II of our pictures taken on Sunday, Oct. 25, when we came home from Maggie Valley across the Cherohala Skyway, please go to the right sidebar on this blog and go to the label marked Cherohala Skyway. Click on that and you can see all 21 pictures that I have posted showing the gorgeous Fall colors. As I have said several times, we were truly in the right place at the right time (with near perfect conditions)---to see the best Fall colors either of us have probably ever seen or captured.

Today is my last seven pictures taken by George and me that day. Five from this set were taken by me--with my 'point and shoot' camera. SO--that proves that you don't always have to have a million dollar camera in order to get great pictures!!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed posting them for you to see.

Here at home, the rains and winds came over the weekend and about 80% of our leaves are now on the ground... I guess that means that Fall is almost over and now I can look forward to Winter ---and hopefully a little (not too much) SNOW.
