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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fabulous Valentine's Trip

George took me on a GREAT Valentine's Getaway!!!! We knew that we wanted to spend Valentine's Day together out in nature--searching for some new waterfalls. We had seen 295 different waterfalls ---and were hoping to see some new ones this weekend. WELL----we hit the jackpot!!! We saw SIX new waterfalls---making our total 301 now. Isn't that amazing??? We are so happy!!!

The six waterfalls were all around Manchester and Tullahoma, TN, which is south of Nashville. Blog friend WOODY told us about Rutledge Falls (pictured above). But before going to that area, George did some research looking for other waterfalls in the area that we could visit. Rutledge Falls is on private property (lucky people who own that land and the home nearby)--but the owner built a path down to the falls. This is a beautiful waterfall --and we want to go back during the rainy season to see this waterfall when the water is coming over the falls ALL the way across.

For me, I doubled my pleasure!!!! While admiring Rutledge Falls, I looked up and guess what I saw??????? My FIRST Cedar Waxwing!!!!!! I was almost more excited to see those birds (there were LOTS of them flying around) as I was to see a new waterfall. Guess I am turning into a 'real' BIRDER!!!!! ha.. A couple of pictures of the waxwings are below --in addition to one more of our six new waterfalls.

This is the first Cedar Waxwing I have seen in person!!!!! Isn't it gorgeous?

I have seen pictures and pictures of this beautiful little bird--but had never seen one up close and personal. I was very excited.

The second waterfall we saw is named Machine Falls. This one (along with 2 other waterfalls which we did not see this trip) is in the Short Springs State Natural Area. This is a fabulous hiking area --and someone has done a marvelous job putting in trails and loops in this mountainous, wooded area. We took the loop trail to Machine Falls --but want to go back and do more hiking in that area to see the other waterfalls also. We HIGHLY recommend this area to anyone who loves hiking!!!!!

GEORGE will talk about another waterfall we visited in his blog today--and then both of us will talk more about the others this coming week. It was a great couple of days for us!!! I hope you are having a great Valentine's weekend also!!!