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Monday, June 8, 2009

"Papa" Ballard and Family

The picture above is my mother with her father (she called him Papa), James Franklin Ballard. James Franklin Ballard (my grandfather) was born on Aug. 30, 1861 in Lynchburg, VA, and died on Jan. 8, 1936 in Bristol, VA. (I never knew him--or any of my grandparents. Isn't that sad?) His parents were William Alexander Ballard (born 11/21/1831 and died 1/19/1903) and Adeline Frances Doss (Not sure of the dates of her birth and death). William and Adeline were married 12/9/1857.

My grandfather, James Ballard, had three brothers (Bland E., Edgar H., and John C.). Above is a picture of the four brothers---and they were all very handsome men. From left to right: Jim--my grandfather, Eddie the youngest, Bland, and John. I haven't done much research on them yet, but did read that Edgar (Eddie) died at age 31. Bland was born Dec. 31, 1873, and was well-known in the Bristol area all of his life.

Bland is the only brother (my great uncle) that I remember. He was married to Myrtle Larmer in 1901 and they had three children (Vivian--Mrs. Guy Simmons, B.E. Ballard Jr--called Gene, and Margaret Ballard). They lived in Bristol at 715 Fairmount Avenue--and I remember that house well.

Grandfather James also had at least four sisters (four that I know of). These are the 'other' set of great aunts who helped raise my mother after her mother died. These four sisters (Lura, Eunice, Nancy/Nanny, and Aileen) were my great aunts---and I remember them as much as I remember the Bruce sisters/aunts. Lura and Eunice never married, but Nanny married Fred Pate, and Aileen married J..G. Cross. From left to right in the picture above: Nanny, Eunice, Aileen, and Lura. Lura was my favorite Great Aunt --and I had a dolly named Lulu after Aunt Lura.

The sisters lived in Bristol at 500 Lindsay Avenue. I remember that big two-story white house with a porch that wrapped around the house (pictured above). As a little girl, I visited the Ballards with my parents, and loved being in their home. It had an unusual smell (not a bad smell)--but maybe a smell of antiques....???? I also remember hearing clocks ticking in several different rooms. Isn't it funny (crazy) what one remembers as a little girl???? Pretty house though, don't you think? I'd love to see if it is still there.

Since I love Family History, I have enjoyed finding information on ALL sides of my family.. I have the most on the Bruce side (Mom's mother's side), and alot less on the Ballard side (Mom's father's side). And then comes my Daddy's side of the family (Banks and Witt)... I have VERY little information on them so far. Genealogy is fun--but like blogging, it takes alot of time. Maybe one of these years, I'll find more time!!!! ha

Hope you have a good Monday.