Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, September 23, 2022

Do You like the color PINK???? I have it for you today!!!!!

Dear Blog Friends,    I thought I'd better get a Blog Post published before the end of the month!!!   Where does time go???  The OLD folks here (other than getting older by the day) are doing OKAY... George is using a cane constantly due to his Degenerative Disc Disease in his back, which affects his leg.   But --so far,  he's managing and can still get outside and take care of the flowers... 

I am doing better after tearing my right hamstring in my leg... I went through several days of not being able to walk and with much pain.  Now --I am better and the pain is almost gone.  All I need is some ENERGY... ha ha

Even though we lost MANY Roses this Summer (due to deer damage),  we still managed to have had a lot of different roses blooming at least once.     We still took pictures and I'm amazed to say that I have at least one picture of 67 different Roses that have bloomed here since May (with more hopefully to come before the first Frost).   

We are getting our deck extended on one side --so that George can bring even more of his beautiful roses in containers to the deck this next year!!!!  This area is more shaded ---so the roses may not to be as healthy as they are in the full sun in the front yard.   BUT--hopefully they will be more protected on the deck... 

Today,  I'll share just a small group of these ROSES.   Since we have had a lot of PINK Roses this year,  I started with that group and ONLY chose the pink ones which I took pictures of in JULY...  Hope you enjoy this group!!!!! 

Tiffany Rose --7/2/22

Pink Peace Rose  7/8/22

Perfume Factory 7/12/22

California Dreaming 7/18/22

Gemini Rose 7/21/22

Bewitched Rose  7/22/22

Queen Elizabeth Rose 7/27/22

Sheer Magic Rose 7/27/22

Now that it's Autumn --we won't see many PINKS around...  We finally had a very cool night (in the 40's) last night for the first time.  SO--maybe our trees will begin to change leaf colors soon IF this cool weather continues...

Enjoy all of the pinks today.   Do you have a favorite?  Sheer Magic is truly as magical as one can get.  Perfume Factory smells AWESOME...  The other one I love is California Dreamin'.

Hope you are having a fantastic day.  If not,  change it!!!!!!!  

