Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, October 5, 2015

What We Saw while at the Tetons and Yellowstone -August, 2015

Beautiful female ELK
I have so many great memories from our latest Western Trip to the Tetons and Yellowstone in August, 2015... With so many pictures to go through and so many wonderful memories ---it is HARD to pick and choose what to feature on my blog.

Today I will share some of the wildlife we saw along with a few more 'purdies' for you.  Hope you enjoy!  Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.

Lots of pretty wildflowers in bloom, and this one also included a BUTTERFLY

BISON/Buffalo---having a 'staring contest' with ME!!!!  I think he won!

A MAGPIE --dancing a jig for us!

A close-up of some of the 'wheat-grass'-looking stuff!

Some PRONGHORN Antelopes

Some kind of fancy Dragon-Fly

A zoomed-in photo of a OSPREY nest --high on some rocks in the Canyons area of Yellowstone;  A man pointed it out to us since it was hard to see with the naked eye.

I don't know what this wildflower is/was --but the colors reminded me of Autumn (even though it was only the end of August).

A Beautiful Mountain Bluebird;  I love 'my' Eastern Bluebirds here at home,  but seeing these guys in Wyoming was a FIRST for me.

BISON-TRAFFIC-JAM;  On two different evenings,  we drove on this road (Mormon Row Rd) to see the HUGE herds of Bison (at sunset).... On this evening,  we also enjoyed a gorgeous evening sky!

My favorite capture of the entire trip:  a MOOSE
I saved the best 'til last since seeing a MOOSE was my goal before taking this trip... Not only did I see one Moose---but I saw two!!!!!  I was a very happy camper--as my Facebook friends can tell you!

WELL---I could go on and on --with more pictures... BUT--I'll stop for now!  Compared with our September trip here in 2012,  seeing the Moose was great --but we didn't seen nearly as many Elk as we did in 2012.  We did see more Bison --and getting to see the Osprey and its nest and the Mountain Bluebird were very special this year.  BOTTOM LINE:  Each time we visit,  we make more and more great memories.

Have a wonderful week.  After lots of rain and gloom here,  we are finally getting some sunshine this week.  YEAH!
