Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's All about BLUEBIRDS

This past week,  I spent some time outside watching Mom and Dad Bluebird go in and out of the nest.  I haven't peaked yet to see how many baby Blues are in the nest,  but I'll bet there are at least four!!!!

I have a new toy...  George bought us a Radio Frequency Shutter Release...  To put that in 'my' terms,  it's like a remote control for the camera... I can set the tripod up near a spot (like the nestbox) ---and sit WAY back out of the way.  When one of the birds would go to the nest,  I would CLICK that photo...  Later on,  I just sat quietly on the back deck with camera in hand, and both Mom and Dad Blue came to the feeders... I got some great pictures of Dad---as he just took a 'rest' and sat on the feeder plate for a long time...

Hope you enjoy today's pictures,  and I'm sure I'll be using that new gadget again soon.  Above is a picture of Mama  peaking out of the nestbox...  Be sure and click on the photos to see larger views.

This is a picture of Daddy Blue at the nestbox.   Dad's colors are much brighter than Mom's..  She has blue in her --but it is a dull blue.

For comparison,  here's Mama Blue at the nestbox... 

Can you tell what that is?????  Mama was going into the nest to feed her babies... You can see her 'backside' in this photo... I'm sure she would tell me that that is not a very nice photo to post!!!!! ha

The rest of these pictures were taken while I just sat quietly on the deck...  I took a trillion of Daddy Blue as he posed for the camera!  Isn't he just gorgeous???   AND--he's a good Daddy... He protects the nest when the Blue Jays are around ---and he is so good to Mama Blue...   He is the one who goes in the nest and gets rid of the fecal sac (poop) --since they are very clean birds.

Similar picture --but they were all so good that I had a hard time choosing one over the other...  I was just thrilled that he trusted me enough to just sit there while I snapped the pictures... (I wasn't very far from him.)

I loved the way he cocked his head ---looking all around as he still was protecting his 'area'.

Mom came to the feeder --but didn't stay as long.  I did manage to get one good picture of her...   She's not as pretty ---but is gorgeous in her own way.  These are going to be two great parents.  I can't wait to see the little ones!!!! 

Here's one more picture of Mr. Blue....  I just couldn't stop snapping!!!!  He's one Proud Papa!!!!

Hope you enjoyed my Eastern Bluebirds.  They are always a favorite of mine. 

Have a wonderful day...  I hope to start catching up with your blogs today... I've just been extremely busy this week... Let me know if I miss anything that you want me to see.. Thanks!!!
