Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Nativity at the Opryland Hotel Resort, Nashville, TN

Taken from a distance of the large Nativity
On December 19, 2013,  George and I met his daughter Kelly and hubby Chuck in Nashville for a Christmas dinner at the Claim Jumper Restaurant in Opry Mills Mall --and then the four of us visited the gorgeous Opryland Hotel Resort to see their Christmas decorations.  Of course,  we took a gazillion photos!!!!!

Today I'll share my favorite part with you,  the beautiful Nativity --which is in the front of the hotel.  We had seen the Nativity before (years ago) when it was in an interior area of the hotel.  It is MUCH nicer now;  in fact, I was really impressed,  and can call this Nativity one of the best ones I have ever seen.  Talk about something showing the TRUE meaning of Christmas.  This is IT!!!!

Hope you enjoy the photos---as I just walked around the large area taking pictures from different angles.  As we walked,  we could enjoy an audio telling the story of the Birth of Jesus.  I was so taken by my surroundings that it was hard to stop and take pictures!!!!  BUT--I did manage to get some to share.  Hope you enjoy them.  Be sure to enlarge the photos in order to see them larger.  Get a cup of coffee (or something hot),  sit back and enjoy what Christmas is all about! 

Here is one of some signs around the area.

Hope you enjoyed seeing this gorgeous Nativity... My wish is that you can see it in person sometime--if you ever get to Nashville,  Tennessee...  The entire hotel/resort  is fantastic --and there are many other things to do during the Christmas season.

On another issue,  thanks for your wonderful support and comments on my Wednesday blog on Weight Loss and Maintenance... Click HERE if you missed it.  I just hope and pray that in FIVE years,  I can look back at this post and still be able to say that I am STILL doing it....  A good friend of mine,  Catherine (from Canada),  has been working on getting healthy --and we have exchanged ideas and kudos for quite some time.  She piggy-backed on my blog and published one herself this week.  She has more great ideas which have worked for her.  Please check out her blog post by clicking HERE.   

Hope you made it through the horrible arctic blast this week.  We had 2 inches of snow with ice under it, which stayed with us for 3+ days...  The temperature on our deck one morning was a MINUS 10 degrees (F).... Yipes---it's been a long time since we have experienced anything like this here.  Schools were out 4 of 5 days.  They finally went back TODAY.

UPDATE:  Anyone getting an email from me (with a Cox.net address)--do NOT open it. I will not send out an email just with a link.  The one that hubby got, was a link and said AMAZING.   I must have gotten spammed!  I will change passwords AGAIN.  Thanks..

Have a wonderful weekend --and I'll see you on Monday.  Hugs,